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07-10-2013, 04:10 PM
The Last Update column appears to be in error. If I understand the meaning of Combined, how can the last update combined value equal 106?


07-10-2013, 04:24 PM
Easy one, it just means the last update run only did Primegrid for you which was 106.

Last update on a project is the last update when that project last updated. I don;t reset the field every time for all projects .

So say, on a certain run of the stats it notices that WCG, PrimeGrid updated and you had done 1000 and 2000 respectively, you would see 1000 in the last update column for WCG, 2000 in the last update column for PrimeGrid and 3000 in the last update combined.

Then say next run, perhaps 45 mins later it sees that Yoyo and Einstein had updated and you had done 4000 and 5000 respectively, you would then see -

WCG - 1000
PrimeGrid - 2000
Yoyo - 4000
Einstein - 5000
Combined - 9000 - sum of the Yoyo and Einstein last updates as they were what ran in the last update.

I have considered in the past marking the projects that ran in the last update somehow on screen as this has been asked before.

Does that make sense ?

07-10-2013, 05:10 PM
It looks like you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. Based on your explanation, should you not first clear the Last Update column of older values, if you want the Combined value to reflect the latest update total value. If you want to keep the older values, then the Combined value should include all the latest values for each project. Am I making any sense?

07-10-2013, 05:23 PM
It looks like you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. Based on your explanation, should you not first clear the Last Update column of older values, if you want the Combined value to reflect the latest update total value. If you want to keep the older values, then the Combined value should include all the latest values for each project. Am I making any sense?

The value is being cleared since if it wasn't then in the EXAMPLE Bok gave
WCG - 1000
PrimeGrid - 2000
Yoyo - 4000
Einstein - 5000
Combined - 12000 not 9000
Clear now....

07-10-2013, 06:01 PM
It looks like you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. Based on your explanation, should you not first clear the Last Update column of older values, if you want the Combined value to reflect the latest update total value. If you want to keep the older values, then the Combined value should include all the latest values for each project. Am I making any sense?

You have to consider the way that the stats update, not every project updates at the same time. I have one script that checks each project fairly often to see if there have been any changes (checks a timestamp) - if changed it will download the files.

Another script runs with a 15minute sleep, when it wakes it will 1) process any projects that have updated in that time period and 2) run the combined scores. Let's call 1) & 2) a 'RUN'.

During that RUN, the last update of the combined score is the combination of any projects updated during that run.

The last_update of any one project is independant.

Personally I prefer it this way, but again, it would be clearer if I marked the projects that had been updated in the prior run on that (and other) screens perhaps.

Is that clearer?

07-12-2013, 12:14 AM
I like the way it is working now as well but I can see how it seems odd. I find it neat to watch that number fluctuate through the day as the various projects add little bits to my daily total.

If you could easily have an indicator of which projects updated in the last cycle that would be great. I can usually tell which ones add to the total but when it starts to involve 4+ it gets harder. It might make sense to mark the combined last update the same way to give an indication that it is the sum of the similar marked project last updates.