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View Full Version : Improvement suggestion

09-26-2003, 06:14 AM
two little improvement suggestions:

1) add a (menu ?) option to turn the different views in the window off. E.g. most of the time I don't gain anything from seeing the circuit diagram, but are interested in how the current individual is doing. THis would allow me to keep the window small without having to resize all the bits and pieces all the time.

2) my real wish: currently you show the best fit etc. at the top, then display the code for the individual and below this the p0, p1, parsimony values. But as these are the values I am most interested in it would be great to keep them at the top above the description of the individual (<g></g>?). This way I could keep the window narrow and small. Currently I have to make it wide enough to keep the p0, p1 values on screen.

Thanks for considering this.

10-14-2003, 07:49 AM
I'm afraid you'll have to keep living with the GUI for a while.

However the next time the server starts up the genotypes should be printed out how you suggested.

Thanks for your ideas,

10-14-2003, 10:34 AM
Ahh, thanks for implementing my suggestions. Waiting a little bit longer is certainly no problem for me :-)