View Full Version : Priority level?

11-06-2003, 05:34 AM
Does it make sense to increase priority level? Does it increase speed of processing? My current p level is 1.

11-06-2003, 07:10 AM
From my FAQ (http://ws9.jobnegotiator.com/html/faqman/index.php):

No. The operating system does an excellent job of giving all spare CPU cycles to the program. The only thing that raising the priority will do is make your other jobs less responsive.

For example, lets say during the next minute your spreadsheet needs 10 seconds to recalculate. If your spreadsheet is running at a higher priority, then it will take 10 elapsed seconds to display its results. Prime95 will then get the remaining 50 seconds of the minute. If they run at equal priority, then the spreadsheet will get 10 of the next 20 elapsed seconds before it displays its results. Prime95 also gets 10 of the first 20 seconds as well as the remaining 40 seconds. In both cases prime95 got 50 CPU seconds, but in the first case you saw your spreadsheet results faster.


11-06-2003, 07:32 AM
thanks :thumbs: