View Full Version : linux mount points

12-05-2003, 01:37 AM
for the linux gurus... not sure if this is a dumb question or not... i know you can use partitions for your /usr or /home directories by just setting the mount point for /dev/hdXX as /usr but is there any way to let /usr and /home share a partition? so that there is a pool of space that can be filled by either, rather than arbitrarily restricting each to a certain percentage of my drive?

and, failing that, ill just move my /usr directory to the new partition. is there anything i need to do other than cp'ing all the stuff from /usr into the root of the new filesystem and changing /etc/fstab? can i complete it without rebooting (i think so, as mount is in /bin, so i can just rm -rf /usr/* and mount /usr )

12-07-2003, 08:59 PM

Can't you just setup a / and a swap partition and get what you want? Might have to do a /boot logical but....

12-07-2003, 09:09 PM
well yes this is what i normally do. but this time when i did the install i forgot that /dev/hda was my 1gig drive and /dev/hdb was my bigger drive, so i ran out of space. i just figured it would be easier to move /usr and /home (which is where most of the space is taken up) than to move / . then i wouldnt have to mess with the bootloader and such (you can apparently only give lilo one root= statement, although im not sure about this. this would mean i couldnt choose which partition i wanted to boot. can you issue individual root= paramters to each kernel?)

im gonna try something as soon as finals week is over :)