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View Full Version : San Fran set for feng-shui law

02-01-2004, 01:15 PM
<table width="90%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bordercolor="#63635A" bgcolor="#E7E7E2" align="center"><tr><td style="font-size: 12px; font-style: italic;">A San Francisco politician has proposed a new law which would mean planners have to consider a building's energy flows.<br><br>The 4,000-year-old Chinese art of feng-shui claims to channel positive energy, known as chi, leaving the building's occupier in a state of harmony.<br></td></tr></table><br><br>Before I left California, this was fast becomming a popular way to maintain "harmony" within a building. The supporters of feng-shui believe that the structure of a building, and how the furniture and walls within them are positioned, can directly effect a person's behavior, which in turn effects their professional and personal relationships. In short, practice feng-shui, improve your life.<br><br>Now it seems there is a proposal out there that, which, if passed, will force the California Buiding Standards Commision to move towards the "feng-shui" way of doing things.<br><br>For the complete article, go <a href="http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_861100.html?menu=news.quirkies"><b>here</b>.</a><br><br>Is California the only state that practices this? What about other countries? Can something like this really work?<br><br>I duno...looks like I got out of there (well, one of the reason) just in time. I wonder if Arnold supports this?<br><br><img src=http://www.free-dc.org/images/news/icon42.gif>

02-01-2004, 01:29 PM
I can't wait to see the Workman's Comp lawsuits if this goes thru:
"My employer forced me to work in an improperly-channeled enegy-environment; I'm suing for 10 Million dollars"


02-01-2004, 01:46 PM

I met a man who studied with bhuddist monks and was studying and becoming qualified to practice 'Chinese medicine'

We talked a little about feng shui. We were standing in a parking lot at the time and he explained that you would not want to be living or have your work office directly in front of/facing the exit to the parking lot.

Imagine that at lunch time or shift change all the people in cars lined up at the exit trying to get out. Minds racing with the stress of the day and preparing for the battle/drive home. This energy is being concentrated and focused at that point.

Made sense to me.

02-01-2004, 05:53 PM
fruits and nuts :gone:

02-01-2004, 05:56 PM
:spray: :jester: You said it, bro! :rotfl:

02-01-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by GHOST

We talked a little about feng shui. We were standing in a parking lot at the time and he explained that you would not want to be living or have your work office directly in front of/facing the exit to the parking lot.

Imagine that at lunch time or shift change all the people in cars lined up at the exit trying to get out. Minds racing with the stress of the day and preparing for the battle/drive home. This energy is being concentrated and focused at that point.

Made sense to me.

Granted, I'm no feng shui expert, but I'm guessing that the insulated brick and concrete wall between my outward-facing office and the traffic is going to be more effective at stopping/dispersing all this negative energy than the 15 feet of space between myself and the next office that faces another direction.

But hey, that's just me, and I'm a scientific bastard. Once we can actually measure all this alleged energy, then we can prove or disprove the benefits of feng shui. Making laws on the basis of this unproven "technology" makes about as much sense as well, never mind.

Anyway, a quick google of "feng shui" + science provided this lovely tidbit. Check out the scientific proof page of the Feng Shui Institute: http://www.feng-shui-institute.org/fengshuiscience.htm

I guess I have to take back everything I said -- there is so much solid, credible, scientific information there, the evidence presented is overwhelming. :bs:

02-01-2004, 07:40 PM
If folks want to believe in that kind of thing, hey..to each his own. But to bring it into government...and MY workplace...and make it enforced...nah, don't agree. Unless they've got something scientific going on, something to prove what they are saying is true. There's alot more important things that the government should be spending their money on. Hey..what about the unemployment situation? The homeless? No? By all means, let's make sure that my desk is pointed in the right direction and my office window is facing the right way. God only knows if it's not, I'll be demoted to janitor.


02-01-2004, 10:34 PM
If that (^^) is scientific evidence, I'm a monkey's uncle. Although I did know what fung shway was about because my wife explained it to me. She saw my backyard landscaping and said, "oh, very fung schway." Of course, she has a hint of belief in horoscopes . . .

02-02-2004, 08:26 AM
Hey Feng Shu is just another way of Money Making... I don't believe in it but heck I'm lucky I live in the Liberated Territory Known as The UK :p

Hey Tim,
Went to the Local Zoo the Other day, saw a monkey and it told me to say hi to you from your Uncle Ron... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

02-02-2004, 10:30 AM
Yeah, uncle Ron is from the line of the family that never emigrated to the US . . .

02-02-2004, 07:38 PM
Oooh, THAT Ron.
