View Full Version : MD5 in Hardware

07-22-2004, 10:38 PM

At OLS today I ran into a system engineer from VIA (Centaur division).

These are the people who have a line of CPUs with AES-ECB/CBC/OFB/CFB
128/192/256 as a x86 operation. Microcode executing SSE2 instructions
plus built-in S-Boxes. AES in 2 clock cycles. :)

He asked if there were any other algorithms I'd like to see done this
way... like MD5? I jumped and said "no. no. no." But then I thought
about it and said "Well, if you did put in your next chips, I'll sure
help my project."

We'll see. I've basically told him, if they do add MD5 as an Operation,
it'll basically make MD5 weaker since I'll just make code to attack it

Just wanted to share that piece of useless conversation with everyone.