View Full Version : Uploading problems

07-29-2004, 08:27 PM
I've got a system (linux) with a couple hundred gens on it that I can't get uploaded. I delete the receipt.txt file, and I can't get one gen uploaded. I remember reading somewhere around here about someone else having the same problem, but I can't find the string of notes on it. Could someone either explain what I need to do, or if you know where the thread on this is to please let me know?

PS - Even though I belong to Teh Evil Imperials, I would warmly welcome assistance even from Teh Super Colonials. :) Or even <gasp> those cows!!


07-29-2004, 08:51 PM
Don't worry everybody is buffering at the moment.
Let the client carry on buffering gens.

Howard will probably clear the jam tommorow.
The Hampster must have got back in the pipe!!

07-29-2004, 09:06 PM
I've noticed that the others are also buffering. However this system was not uploading before the others started buffering, and I also had another system at the same time that was uploading. :( But maybe the earlier instance for it was due to the receipt.txt file being present as I didn't delete it then. I only tried that later afterwards. So I guess I just wait until the morning and see how it goes. :) Thank you.

07-29-2004, 10:03 PM
Maybe, maybe not, fixed tomorrow. Depends on whether the problem is noticed, and if it is considered an emergency; remember this week:
Please note that between today and next Tuesday (Aug 3) we will be unavailable to respond to your e-mails or monitor the forum. In case of an emergency (e.g. the server room catches fire), someone will be around to take care of things. Thanks for your understanding.

07-29-2004, 10:05 PM

You probably had the bad receipt.txt, it wouldn't have uploaded at all with that still in the directory.
Deleting it should have kicked off the upload but unfortunately the upload servers have started to play up again.

I don't want to panic anyone but the admins are on Holiday :shocked:

Tech support temporarily unavailable and next update Wed
Please note that between today and next Tuesday (Aug 3) we will be unavailable to respond to your e-mails or monitor the forum. In case of an emergency (e.g. the server room catches fire), someone will be around to take care of things. Thanks for your understanding.

07-29-2004, 11:43 PM
Admins on vacation.... uhmmmm...... not good since I leave town before then for a week. If they don't get the system flushed before I leave, then I'll lose about 15 systems worth of gens for over 24 hours plus however much longer the outtage would go. So I think I'll just minimize my losses and put the farm back on d2ol. Seems like every time I get into DF, something crops up unfortunately. :( I guess there's a lesson there somewhere for me. :)

07-30-2004, 04:38 AM
Nope, no upload right now....

I have two machines buffering up( and third one which is supposed to do so;) ) about 20gens right know....

Hopefully the servers come back up again (deleting receipt.txt on one machine didn't help)....

Why does this alway happen when I have more than one machine avaiable:swear: :bang: :bang:

Am I breaking the servers?!?:Pokes:
Are my computers that fast:rotfl:

Well , lets see what happens today...

Greets Thor

07-30-2004, 07:31 AM
problms with my poor old lappie that I use as my Net machine got the odd gen or two waiting to get uploaded.
