View Full Version : pulling the plug until next protein

07-30-2004, 10:21 AM
with the fixers away, and uploading borked, i am shutting down DF on all my boxen until the next protein starts

the mass of people that are going to try to upload tuesday/wednesday after howard returns from holiday and fixes the problem will be too much traffic

07-30-2004, 12:07 PM
Yup, I'm considering going back to D2OL....Too many problems with DF

07-30-2004, 01:12 PM
I switched my crunchers back to d2ol last night. Glad I did. Tried uploading DF again this morning and nothing good happened. :( This continuing crap from the DF admins really is unfortunate. Takes me back to the "short protein" and stuff before that. I quit crunching DF back then, until just starting again very recently for the gauntlet. I like DF, but I just flat out don't care for the continuing slip shod attitude the admins present to the public when they too frequently let huge amounts of *volunteered* cpu time go down the drain. If they are going on vacation, that is fine, but they should at least make sure that they have a capable individual standing by to prevent or correct these kinds of issues when they are away. The project goals and ideals are very good, but the project management is very very sad for something that depends on voluteers to obtain results.

07-30-2004, 04:54 PM
If going away for four/five days in the middle of an eight-day protein seems to be asking for trouble and sure enough...

Wednesday's update must be cancelled until the backlog is cleared. Whatever is causing these servers to stop working needs to be identified and the root cause resolved. I wish my farm could do another project sometimes but it can't and I am rapidly losing patience with the whole thing.

07-30-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Lexx
This continuing crap from the DF admins really is unfortunate. So they can't take vacations? This upload problem is not likely connected to their vacation, it's just an unfortunate coincidence.

Oh, well hang on:

If they are going on vacation, that is fine, but they should at least make sure that they have a capable individual standing by to prevent or correct these kinds of issues when they are away. They can't -- they work for a hospital, and IIRC, the hospital can't afford to take extra people on on a whim. :)

07-30-2004, 06:01 PM
It looks like things are picking back up-- I've had about 2/3 of my buffered units upload in the last couple of hours.