View Full Version : Errors while running client?

08-24-2004, 12:53 AM
I'm seeing this now:

P0, Gen: 64999, Top: F<f>1.0</f><p0>0.9615384615384615</p0><p1>0.627177700348432</p1><p2>0.7338709677419355</p2><g>00GGCO53Dv3Z0RtJBP3h1vXOfrWJ3]Jmlp4XQXpFRf_DYIjOFr7h7loLYJm]kZ]rLvvrH]Zt63~2Z]q3UcCWvq0W1dB^SWa9H~k42VW32kJ6bk]Fp0F`CvmbgJSWB1pJ7Lh_gBDJ2THZpFb6a39Gb]Jlp7jD5fgm]upU]k~pEZV73V`0mKBAfiE]ZA~mE1J9Gbt`9ONelp3WHC]ERp5eggU]vPDsR5uP`hWZFbEvH62NSWb~9jTRbVrjQvJ8lenp3TRbji3v~f8lbA~jVh~pEZ239`hXQVisZRv036FvSWbvfbTR`9hZV6g]CQGrR4]3vbJTFq0_BtDXCnonWmbhJQvr2^3tDXUVrR5BO1BtbH0FbEhYVh^SWbVrhOIJA~g</g><l>2295</l>, Avg: 0.9711209106243969

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 30 >= 30
at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Vector.java:431)
at jaga.evolve.Population.getGenotype(Population.java:38)
at jaga.evolve.RankSelector.select(RankSelector.java:43)
at jaga.evolve.SinglePointXOver.operate(SinglePointXOver.java:40)
at jaga.evolve.StandardEvolver.evolve(StandardEvolver.java:114)
at jaga.control.StandardInteractionModel.evolve(StandardInteractionModel.java:105)
at jaga.pj.circuits.control.TSCCombinationalIM.evolve(TSCCombinationalIM.java:108)
at jaga.control.NoisyPIM.evolve(NoisyPIM.java:194)
at jaga.pj.circuits.control.CircuitParsimonyPIM.evolve(CircuitParsimonyPIM.java:112)
at jaga.control.Monica.evolveGeneration(Monica.java:146)
at jaga.control.Monica.run(Monica.java:249)
at distrit.server.FineGrainedInteractiveTasks$1.run(FineGrainedInteractiveTasks.java:197)
2004.08.23 23:50:32.425

P0, Gen: 65000, Top: F<f>1.0</f><p0>0.9615384615384615</p0><p1>0.627177700348432</p1><p2>0.7338709677419355</p2><g>00GGCO53Dv3Z0RtJBP3h1vXOfrWJ3]Jmlp4XQXpFRf_DYIjOFr7h7loLYJm]kZ]rLvvrH]Zt63~2Z]q3UcCWvq0W1dCNSWa9H~k42VW32kJ6bk]Fp0F`CvmbgJSWB1pJ7Lh_gBDJ2THZpFb6a39Gb]Jlp7jD5fgt]upU]k~pEZV73V`0mKBAfiE]ZA~mE1J9Gbt`9ONelp3WHC]ERp5eggU]vPDsR5uP`hWZFbEvH62NSWb~9jTRbVrjQvJ8lenp3TRbji3v~f8lbA~jVh~pEZ239`hXQVisZRv036FtpIjvfbTR`9hZV6g]CQGrR4]3vbIVhY0_BtDXCnonWmbhJQvr2^3tDXUVrR5BO1BtbH0FbEhYVh^SWbVrhOIJA~g</g><l>2295</l>, Avg: 0.9574641967202754

[null, null]



08-24-2004, 02:02 AM
I am getting the same thing:

C:\Program Files\DHE>cd C:\Program Files\DHE

C:\Program Files\DHE>start /low /b /wait java -Djava.security.policy=java.policy
-jar ITClient.jar KingKong Critters -i 30 -c 60 jfk@gol.com
Interact period is 30 minutes.
Connect period is 60 minutes.
Trying to get task from server //
Got it, task is FineGrainedInteractiveTasks with Tasks = [Monica WIMTSCC with: I
nteractionModel: Circuit Parsimony Property Interaction Model with:
Maximum Size = 124.0
Interaction Model: Noisy Properties Interaction Model with:
Number of Trials: 1
Noise Resolution Method: Average
Internal Interaction Model: TSC Combinational Interaction Model with:
Threshold = 0.01
Error Signal = Error signal is Line High
Error Line t_setup = 0
Error High Minimum Size = 1
Fault Model: Single Used Fault Model with:
Outputs to Check: -1
Unchecked Outputs: 0
Fault Types: 2
Input Sample Separation: 1
Self-Test Priority = 0
Fault-Secure Priority = 1
Checking Gate Input Self-Testing = true

Experiment: Combinational Circuit Experiment loaded from:
BLIF Model Name: wim
Nr. Inputs: 4
Nr. Outputs: 7
Test Pattern Generator: Complete Shuffled TPG
Fitness Function: SampleWindowFitnessFunction with:
Start = 0
End = -1
Internal F.F.: Correlation Fitness Function

Deployment: SimulatorDeployment with
Always Reset Before Run = false
Circuit: Asynchronous refresh Simulator Faulty Circuit with Superclass: Faul
ty Simulator Circuit with mapping: Faulty Feed Forward Optimized Mapping with:
Latch Safe = false Internal Mapping: Dynamic Feed Forward Mapping with:

Bits Per Variable = 7
Gene Size = 18
Input Definition Position Within Gene = [ 4, 11 ]
Genes Definition Position Within Genotype = 63
Loops with latches are safe = false
Internal Mapping: VassilevMapping with internal Mapping: LUTAbsoluteMapping
# inputs = 4
# outputs = 9
Bits per Variable = 7
# LUT inputs = 2
Delay Model: Constant Delay Model with delay = 0

Evolver: Standard Evolve with
popSize = 30
initialGenotypeLength = 2295
numOfElites = 0
Genetic Operators: [proportion - operator]
0.37 - SAGAMutator with
Lowest Mutation Rate = 4 per genotype.
Highest Mutation Rate = 92 per genotype.
Mutation Rate calculated based on fitness index = 1
0.2 - SinglePointXOver
0.1 - BunchMutator with:
Bunch Size = 7
Number of Bunches = 1
Alignment Size = 18
Alignment Offset = 4
Locked Alignments = 0
Global Offset = 63
0.1 - BunchMutator with:
Bunch Size = 7
Number of Bunches = 1
Alignment Size = 18
Alignment Offset = 11
Locked Alignments = 0
Global Offset = 63
0.07 - BunchMutator with:
Bunch Size = 7
Number of Bunches = 1
Alignment Size = 18
Alignment Offset = 4
Locked Alignments = 0
Global Offset = 63
0.07 - BunchMutator with:
Bunch Size = 7
Number of Bunches = 1
Alignment Size = 18
Alignment Offset = 11
Locked Alignments = 0
Global Offset = 63
0.1 - BlockCopy with:
Block Size = 18
Alignment Size = 18
Alignment Offset = 0
Read Only Alignments = 0
Global Offset = 63
Selector: RankSelector
, WIMTSCC: Critters's IslandsEvolutionGUI]
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 31 >= 30
at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Unknown Source)
at jaga.evolve.Population.getGenotype(Population.java:38)
at jaga.evolve.RankSelector.select(RankSelector.java:43)
at jaga.evolve.SinglePointXOver.operate(SinglePointXOver.java:41)
at jaga.evolve.StandardEvolver.evolve(StandardEvolver.java:114)
at jaga.control.StandardInteractionModel.evolve(StandardInteractionModel
at jaga.pj.circuits.control.TSCCombinationalIM.evolve(TSCCombinationalIM
at jaga.control.NoisyPIM.evolve(NoisyPIM.java:194)
at jaga.pj.circuits.control.CircuitParsimonyPIM.evolve(CircuitParsimonyP
at jaga.control.Monica.evolveGeneration(Monica.java:146)
at jaga.control.Monica.run(Monica.java:249)
at distrit.server.FineGrainedInteractiveTasks$1.run(FineGrainedInteracti
[null, null]

LOG0000E The Logging Toolkit message file, com.ibm.logging.Msgs, was not found.
No toolkit messages can be displayed.

2004.08.23 19:50:28.810
P0, Gen: 1909998, Top: F<f>1.0</f><p0>1.0</p0><p1>0.8955223880597015</p1><p2>0
14Ifca0W</g><l>2295</l>, Avg: 0.9627068235951388

2004.08.23 19:51:13.915
P0, Gen: 1909999, Top: F<f>1.0</f><p0>1.0</p0><p1>0.8955223880597015</p1><p2>0
14Ifca0W</g><l>2295</l>, Avg: 0.906781080536764

I have tried several times but after the batch window logs this, the java applet shows some results but then doesn't change further, even after many hours.

Any ideas?

08-24-2004, 06:32 AM
Hi, thanks for the quick feedback. The bug has now been fixed.