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09-02-2004, 09:24 AM
How are all our friends on the right coast fairing thru all these hurricanes?

09-02-2004, 10:19 AM
Watching and waiting. It looks like NC will be spared the brunt of Frances, though I expect some rain. I feel for my friends in Florida though :(


09-02-2004, 10:50 AM
Yeah, my holiday weekend is going to be pretty much ruined.

Frances :moon:

They're saying if we loose power (and it's almost a given this time), that it may be several weeks before its restored. Most of Progress Energy's equipment is being moved out of Florida until this passes, so we'll have to wait for them to return before they start cleaning up and repairing. The sucky part is, we still haven't cleaned up entirely from Charley. Some people I know just had power restored to them this past week.

09-02-2004, 12:11 PM
If you use OS X 10.3.x, this program will show All/Current storm tracks for the 2004 season - http://weather.rudis.net/megatrack/

Works as advertised and also shows projected path.


09-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Standing by with (weather-proof) camera. I'll post if I get any good storm shots. :cool:

09-02-2004, 04:15 PM
So..like..are you brain damaged? :) You're not really going to stay are you?

Party it up like they did at the Richelieu Apartments? (http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/homepages/roger_pielke/camille/gallery.html) :|party|: :scared: :jester:


PY 222
09-02-2004, 04:26 PM
Good luck to all you folk in Florida and where ever else that hurricane hits.

Please be careful ok.

09-02-2004, 10:04 PM
I've lived through a few of them. One of the biggest for me, personally, was Donna, back in 1960. Whoooooeeeee, what a LOT of water!! :eek: That was a category 5-er.

I'm in a strong house (strong enough, I hope), on high ground (a non-evacuation zone). The only thing pretty much for sure, right now, is that we're gonna have a very moist weekend. One very real problem is where, exactly, to go. If Francis takes the worst possible path, I'd have to go maybe 5-600 miles and there's still no guarantee I'd be safe. In Charley, all those folks who evac'd went to Orlando. Bad choice. :rolleyes:

I respect the storm, though. Probably won't take my kayak out this weekend. :D

09-03-2004, 09:50 AM
Yep, this storm is so large the only way to get away from it is to leave the state. But with all the pets, etc, that's not an easy task. Besides, I'd feel better making sure my property is ok. My best freind went to Atlanta during Charley and he was calling me all the time telling me he wishes he was home so he knew how his house was doing. He's staying here this time until AFTER the storm, if they loose power, then they'll go someplace else until power is restored. Especially since they are sating it'll probably take longer for repairs this time around. :(

09-03-2004, 10:06 AM
We're holding our own here. Right now it looks like we'll just get really wet. Course, if it hits the gulf stream all bets are off. Latest said Frances is losing some of it's strength but it's starting to veer toward the east again. You can never tell.

My folks and brother and his family (w/two kids and a cat-we have a dog..that's been fun) are with us now (we have a full house) as they had to evacuate (Cocoa Beach/Canaveral Groves). Looks like they'll be with us now.

I was listening to the radio on the way in and now they are saying it's going to make landfall on or around Melborne. If that happens, Merrit Island could very well be under water.

Good luck everyone!

09-03-2004, 04:43 PM
I was emailing with the company that make kits to make my plane with, they are based in Florida. The guy said that what he was going to be doing today (Friday) was welding his hanger doors shut.

09-03-2004, 09:50 PM
Heh, the Orlando Executive airport was virtually destroyed by a tornado during Charley. Many of the planes there suffered serious damage. Luckily our company plane was in the only hanger that didn't have damage. The Airport was rebuilt within a matter of a few days, the owners of the airport also own a construction company, so they dispatched their crew there to get it operational quickly. This time we've moved our plane to the midwest until this blows over.

09-03-2004, 09:55 PM

keep safe....


09-04-2004, 09:57 AM
Orlando airport was shut down at noon yesterday (last report). At the moment it's only moving about 4 mph, which means RAIN RAIN RAIN...big time. It's touch and go right now in regards to the actual path. Until it hits landfall anything goes.

Looks like we are in for a long wait.

09-11-2004, 07:40 AM
Are you all ready for Hurricane 3 ? :cry:

Haven't heard from Dyyryath...

He's probably whipped up a sail on his surfboard and is up in Maine, hitchhicking back down to get ready to surf the next one ...

For some reason, he reminds me of my hero PECOS BILL :D

PY 222
09-11-2004, 08:06 PM
Florida is now official the worst place to live in the United States.

I feel bad for ya'll with all the hurricanes that you guys/gals are taking.

Hang in there. :(

09-11-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by PY 222
Florida is now official the worst place to live in the United States.

I feel bad for ya'll with all the hurricanes that you guys/gals are taking.

Hang in there. :(

Probably seems that way right now but it really isn't. :) Looks like Ivan, at least right now is swinging away from central Florida and headed right for Texas.

On the news it said that we haven't had it this bad since 1964.

09-16-2004, 09:19 AM
Wow! :scared:

You can probably find Dyyryath surfing the surge running up Mobile, Alabama.