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View Full Version : Turning off KDE stupidity?

05-26-2005, 04:55 PM
Ok - just did a Gentoo install on a dual PIII system in hopes of getting things set up for diskless nodes. I tried to do a Gnome install, because it's easiest to have an X environment for easy access to the web and various web pages.

To make a long story short, Gnome is broken, so I emerged and installed KDE. My question is, how do I turn off all the stupid little "boingy-boingy" icons and similar special effect garbage in KDE? Don't like them, don't need them, and don't want them....

I seem to have stumbled onto a relatively easy way to bring up diskless nodes with PXEgrub, so I'm going to give it a try....


05-27-2005, 10:28 PM
not sure which "boing boingy icons" you mean (perhaps the bouncing mouse cursor?) but you can use the KDE control center (directly on the K menu, at least in Debian). appearance and themes/launch feedback is the bouncing cursor. there are a bunch of other settings in there to tinker with if you like. i recommend changing your style and window decorations from keramik to plastik or something even simpler if you dont like keramik's bubbliness (i think plastik is a nice balance, but you may like eye candy less than i do). also, if you run the desktop settings wizard (I choose the settings menu from the K menu in Debian) theres an eyecandy-o-meter in there you can use to adjust a bunch of settings of that nature.

as long as we're on the subject of KDE, one of my favorite features is that konqueror-as-file-manager (as well as all KDE applications) support transparent file access over SCP (among other things, and support the SSH agent). very cool, at least if you work on multiple machines remotely.