Thanks to Crunch3r (of SETI optimised client fame), we now have 64bit Windows and Windows Itanium applications. Welcome Crunch3r - we're proud to have him on board! Please let me know how you get on with these applications. No news on the OS X front yet, but I've been in contact with a couple of people, so we'll see what turns up in the coming weeks... I've also made significant changes to the way we calculate duration and deadlines. The server calculates a few trajectories before creating work, and uses the resulting estimate of number of floating point operations to calculate an approximate WU duration. You should notice that estimates become more consistent with the next few work releases. As for deadlines, I've now set this so that clients will fail to meet the deadline if they perform less than an average of 1000 floating point operations per second on each WU from the time they are issued the work. If we begin to see lots of clients failing, I'll reduce this figure. Think of it as "average required work."
