I was having issues running the python script write_all_complexes. According to Ruth from Scripps, their scripts assume a blank line between Success and the time estimates near the End Of File. Previously I modified the source to remove references to the computer name on one of those lines. I went back to revise my source modification and recompile. I think I have eliminated that issue. Still I have many other issues and not having an ISP at home since I moved, makes it really difficult to administer the server. Also I am checking whether I can replicate some results produced by The DOE National Renewable Energy Labs described in a recent paper where they docked Ferridoxin to Hydrogenase. In this experiment they were modeling the last stage of the electron transfer chain where protons are reduced to form H2. I sent a pdb file with an image representing ferridoxin hydrogenase complex results from AutoDock. Their work used FTDock which is another Docking simulation. -Jack
