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  1. LaurenU2

    Free-DC is one of the Best Teams Around
    The members here might be a bit on the Quiet side
    But they have the Biggest hearts and will give you the shirt off their back if they see you have a need of it
    I my self Was Very Lucky to Find this place and have called it home ever since
    If you are thinking of joining a team You could not do better then Free-DC

    Well in February I with the Help of IB (Thanks for the Setup Help IronBits ) Have been pushing ...

    Updated 02-27-2008 at 09:14 PM by LAURENU2

    The Push
  2. Stats Parsing

    Last few days I've been experimenting with the parser somewhat on a home machine.

    Instead of writing directly to mysql, I'm writing out the queries to a file on the fly. When it hits 50,000 entries I fork off a job to pipe this through the commandline mysql using Parallel::Jobs in perl. Once finished parsing, I check for success on all running jobs and then continue on with the ranking and movement and the like...

    Initial tests are very promising..

    For instance, ...