driving the roadster on day 1: 0: ~ 40 km getting the car from the car dealer 1: ~ 270 km driving the "Salatovic Memorial Route" 2: ~ 35 km bringing my sister to her hair-cutter total distance that day: 345 km
Updated 08-31-2008 at 05:27 PM by the-mk
some additional photos here Speedster front view Speedster back view (a lot of people saw that view ) evidence photos of me being in F##king, Austria, one with a big suntan of driving three days roadster (priceless)
Last week I had the chance to rent an Opel Speedster roadster! Great vehicle! 870 kg and 147 hp Details about that car: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opel_Speedster http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_VX220
Updated 08-31-2008 at 05:25 PM by the-mk
I finally got round to looking at why the numbers for the last 28 days of points/teams/users/hosts on the proj page were crap. Well, it turns out that ever since I converted my tables to be 'generic' I hadn't altered my nightly rollover script to handle this. So it was doing a generic update on the projects table.. I just fixed it to run through each project and do the updates singly. We'll see hot it works overnight tonight. Of course it will take a while to correct fully.. ...
Nevseremos! distributed.org.ua