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Free-DC is one of the Best Teams Around
The members here might be a bit on the Quiet side
But they have the Biggest hearts and will give you the shirt off their back if they see you have a need of it
I my self Was Very Lucky to Find this place and have called it home ever since
If you are thinking of joining a team You could not do better then Free-DC

Well in February I with the Help of IB (Thanks for the Setup Help IronBits ) Have been pushing hard with me Team mates in OGR
We are doing vary well 3RD in output everyday
Pretty good for a team of only 22

Thanks IB for your Help I have been topping 300 K since your visit

It is still up in the air But I was thinking about a 3 pronged attack in EoN , Proteins@Home , and MilkyWay@Home
I will see if I can drum up some support for a Spring Push

Updated 02-27-2008 at 10:14 PM by LAURENU2



  1. Bok's Avatar
    First post!

    Yes, I don't think many people have found these blogs yet
  2. Moogie's Avatar
    Perhaps we should up the advertising campaign.
  3. Bok's Avatar
    Agreed. I just don't think people are seeing them at all.. That's why I linked to it in my signature.
  4. LAURENU2's Avatar
    I wonder what a Google Add would cost to run and if it would work to bring in new memebers
  5. Bender10's Avatar
    Hey Cool!!! Howd you do this??

    Blogging in a Forum, What will they think of next.....maybe someday we could cook food with RF...Gigawave cooker thingy or sumthin...Yeah right...