Welcome to the Free-DC Forum.
This forum contains a thread for each news item on the homepage. Discussion on these threads is encouraged.
General Discussion about Distributed Computing
For all things sight and sound
Discuss the Overclocking and Tweaking of CPUs, Motherboards and RAM
PS3 Distributed Computing Only!
Discuss Operating Systems in here
Programming code of any language
Building a farm? Need to tie it all together? this is the place!
Forum for posting milestones for users / teams
Looking to Upgrade? Sell your old equipment to help finance that shiny new multi-core monster.
Wanna taunt the person you are about to leave treadmarks on? This is the place!
Come in and sit a spell. Nothing is Off Topic here. Chat up a storm!
A place to discuss Gauntlet Actions
Movie Discussions
Free-DC's Prime Search
Uses distributed computing to calculate the long time dynamics of systems.
A distributed attack on the Sierpinski problem
Evolution of self-diagnosing hardware designs
Have a question to ask? Wanna give us some feedback?
Have a request to add a Team? Report bugs, ask for features, and comments.
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