P-1 factoring wasting cpu cycle?
A couple days ago I downloaded a wu and my ws did what it was suppose to do. Ran P-1 factoring and found no factor and continued to prp the wu.
[Mon Feb 21 21:57:09 2011]
UID: engracio, 55459*2^19355890+1 completed P-1, B1=55000, B2=426250, We1: F4C8BB45, AID: 00000000000000000000000000100F9D
Last night I guess we had a power outage and it resulted an error on Prime95. I decided to cancel the prp and grabbed another wu due to the error.
While checking my other ws in the herd I found the same wu now being P-1 by another ws. Knowing full well it has been P-1/factored already by another machine. Is this acceptable duplicate of work??? It takes about an hour now to P-1 a wu on a Q6600 with 1 worker and 2 threads.
[Feb 23 11:59] Worker starting
[Feb 23 11:59] Setting affinity to run worker on any logical CPU.
[Feb 23 11:59] Optimal P-1 factoring of 55459*2^19355890+1 using up to 1024MB of memory.
[Feb 23 11:59] Assuming no factors below 2^56 and 2.1 primality tests saved if a factor is found.
[Feb 23 11:59] Optimal bounds are B1=55000, B2=426250
[Feb 23 11:59] Chance of finding a factor is an estimated 0.346%
[Feb 23 11:59] Using all-complex AMD K10 type-3 FFT length 1728K, Pass1=384, Pass2=4608, 2 threads
[Feb 23 11:59] Setting affinity to run helper thread 1 on any logical CPU.
[Feb 23 11:59] 55459*2^19355890+1 stage 1 is 47.67% complete.
More importantly what happens if a factor was found by the ws, would it continue to prp the wu?? Just asking.