You picked up my fifth Yoyo badge (thank you), but I'm now missing three badges from Primegrid and one from WCG.
See Badge Bar below.
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You picked up my fifth Yoyo badge (thank you), but I'm now missing three badges from Primegrid and one from WCG.
See Badge Bar below.
yeah, I've been building up a table in the db with each badge available to store it's characteristics like height and width etc and I join to that table for the banner. Some are still missing in that table, I'll have them in today.
Should be fixed now?
missing the NFS@home - 15e - Badge in my Stats .... :D
:hiya: hl
Thanks for pointing that out, looks like I had a typo with some of the 15e badges in my database. All fixed.
thanks for the quick implementation.
best greetings
Could you add Seti@home and Seti beta badges? Hope you can.
Name: Rick A. Sponholz
Seti user ID: 12031
Seti Beta user ID: 19681
Thanks in advance,
Adding them is easy, taking them away is not and that's the problem in that they are transient. I understand that they are like this to encourage people to stay on a project in order to keep the badge, just gives me a bad taste to give something then take it away again.
But I have coded it (mostly). They will likely show up at some point soon.
One of the other issues with this is that these are generic badges from BOINC. Aren't they identical at both Seti@Home and Seti@HomeBeta (as well as at NFS). Perhaps I should parse them but only place them on the individual user pages, not on the banner, otherwise how would people know where it came from?
The turqouise badge for Primegrid's SoB subproject seems to be lost in translation, as it is shown as a missing/broken image.
Sorry to be a pest, but I've notices other provider's badge signatures are able to display individual's GPUGRID published science paper contribution badges. At least for me, these are the most valuable, because rather than just crunching/searching contribution, these badges represent actual scientific results. Not sure how the other sites get access to these badges, but would you please consider adding them? I use free-DC as part of my signature to advertise your site, and to advertise the projects I support. Thank you in advance for your careful consideration of my request. Col. Rick A. Sponholz
I suspect they crawl the individual pages for just users who sign up. As I do that WCG and a couple of others I'll write one for GPUgrid also, take a couple of days, but I'll use your id first.
I did have a cursory look at these, but I was a little confused as users seemed to have multiple versions of the same badge, so can you explain just what you would like to see? I didn't see them on some of the other signatures out there either.
I'm just too swamped with work to figure it out.
On GPUGRID, you get a badge (a teardrop with mickey mouse ears:) representing the percentage of each published science paper you contributed to. Different colors represent different percentages. A person would have duplicate colors if they contributed the same percentage to multiple papers. I was hoping you could show all the teardrops w/mm ears I've earned. The other signatures did not say what service generated them. An example of the badges showing is on the signature of zombie67 [MM] on poem@home's message board/news/POEM++ 2.0 Release. Hope this helps. Thanks for attempting to make this work. Regards, Rick
Any chance you will be able to show our additional GPUGRID badges? Do you need any more info besides the answers I posted last week? Thanks for your efforts. Rick
I'm afraid I just need time, and I'm very short of it with real life :(
No problem, you do a great job for us, and I'm proud to use your site to display my stats. Take care of the important stuff first. Just wanted to make sure you didn't need more, or better answers from me.
Hi Bok,
Sorry to keep bothering you, but I've received a special badge from Milky Way for an, "Extraordinary Contribution". It's a cool badge. Is there a way for you to add it to my Free-DC badge signature? Also, what happened to the Mega Milestone badge that used to be in my collection? not sure where it was from (Free-DC?), but it was cool too. Once again, thanks in advance, Rick
When they aren't exported from a project I have to write a screen scraper, please send me a link to it and I can take a look.
Can you also provide a link to your stats page so I can get your CPID to check out the MM badge (yes I create those)
My MM badge vanished a few days ago as well - I assumed you'd just abandoned the idea. Whatever, I no longer have one, CPID: cd41405690468f5888029048beb69fb3
Milky Way site: user ID: 94260
My Free-DC stats page:
If you need anything more, just ask. Thanks, Rick
ugh, this has been because of another recent fix where a users CPID changed and they got multiple images. I created a new unique index using the users id as part of the key, but of course for the MM badges it's not related to an individual project so doesn;t have an id so I use 0 - all inserts after the first one then fail for the MM badges as they duplicate the index.
Bottom line is I'm going to have to figure out some unique # for the user for these.
Yes, the extraordinary contribution badge is the only other badge available. there are a total of three simultaneous badges from Milky way, one for years crunching, one for number of credits, and the extraordinary contribution badge. Also, I got my mega milestone badge back, thanks, Bok. Regards, Rick
I've asked on their forums if they can export the userids who have the special contribution badge.
Did you ever get an answer from Milky Way? Regards, Rick
I didn't :(
Perhaps you can reply and add weight to it..
Hello Bok,
on NFS I received yesterday the golden overall badge. This seems not to be included in the badge milesone list on the user project stats pages. Is this by intend that there should only the subproject badges included? Do we need to identify the overall badges from the recent milesone list? :confused:
The golden badge as such is displayed corretly, so the question is more for curiosity than real importance.
Correct, the code is only in place to track the subproject data. And so can only identify the badges associated with that data right now. Was written at the time when Primegrid was the only one giving out badges and they were subproject only.
I could enhance it to handle credit milestones as well I think.
Not yet, they have just asked on the BOINC dev mailing list about adding the data to the standard xml.
Not sure how often you update the badges in our signatures, but a few days ago I got a couple of new badges on World Community Grid, an additional badge on Wildlife@home, and of course the additional badge we've talked about before on Milkyway@home. Please update when you can. Thanks, Rick
They should be updating every few hours. Can you point me to one of the badges that is missing?
Bok - do you know about the new WCG Diamond badge?
Diamond - recognizing higher levels of contribution of 5, 10, 20, 50 and up to 100 years of computing time
Yup, one of them is the 5 yr. Diamond badge for Mapping Cancer Markers, another is the 5 yr. badge for FightAids@home (both on WCG). The missing badge from Wildlife@home is the silver feather for 12 hrs. of validated video. The Milky Way badge is for Extraordinary Contribution to Milky Way. Regards, Rick