It is important to note that the boxes are numbered, and
1) The lower numbered boxes are more likely to contain a diamond than the higher numbered boxes.
2) The higher numbered boxes are harder to...
Type: Posts; User: Joe O
It is important to note that the boxes are numbered, and
1) The lower numbered boxes are more likely to contain a diamond than the higher numbered boxes.
2) The higher numbered boxes are harder to...
Merry Christmas!
I haven't sent Louis the updated packages to post. Do you need the package or are you already running Prime95? If you are already running Prime95 then just download the new executable. If you are...
For more information see this post.
John Selfridge's obituary has been published in The Daily Chronicle on November 11, 2010.
There is a guestbook here.
Since the obituary may come down today, I am quoting it here:
We need to find four more primes to make this the best year in the project. To see the number of primes found by year, look at the Primes Reported paragraph of the Description post. This is also a...
The last wu was returned Nov 3, 2010. The project is now officially suspended. If new, more efficient, sieving programs become available, the project may restart. If the primality testing nears...
The Facebook entry for John Lewis Selfridge also gives his birhplace as Ketchikan, Alaska.
There is also this reference.
I haven't been able to find any corroboration through google either. I have found an obituary published in the Whittier Daily News on October 31, 2010 for Robert Selfridge who may be his brother: ...
In 1962, John Selfridge proved that 78,557 is a Sierpinski number; he showed that, when k=78,557, all numbers of the form k*2^n+1 have a factor in the covering set {3, 5, 7, 13, 19, 37, 73}. Five...
Has anyone besides Frodo42 tried this?
Does anyone have timings before and after available?
It should be possible to simply:
1) stop your client
2) Back up your folder, just in case
3) replace...
If there are any MAC x86 OS-X users out there that want to test the new MAC package, please PM me for instructions.
Prime95 version 26.3 is now available for beta testing. See
What packaging do you have in mind? Point me to the existing ones that need upgrading, or tell me what you want in a package.
I've emailed you a file. Let me know if that is what you want. The factors are still rolling in and will be for a few days. Even though PG has stopped inserting work into the queue, there is still...
Very soon! The exact date is not known, but the last tests will be made available 13 October 2010. As soon as those tests are done, the project will be suspended indefinitely. If you want to...
The last insert of new work is scheduled for 13 Oct 2010, the third anniversary of the start of this project.
A hearty "Thank you!" to everyone who has contributed to this project.
This will be the last insertion date for PrimeGrid SoB/PSP (Sieve) before it is suspended. Until then, the queue will be kept full for anyone wishing to complete their last effort on this PrimeGrid...
Yes, unless you want to get a badge before PrimeGrid sieving ends October 13, 2010.
OK, we are going to take a break for a while. Manual reservations are now closed. When a more efficient sieve program becomes available, we will re-evaluate this decision.
Manual sieving is in the 71144200 -> 72000000 range, way below the PrimeGrid range with a higher density of factors.
Please update the comment field monthly in the Automated Reservation System
, so that we know you are still active.
We will release any reservation that has not been updated in 90 days, or...
OK, so your factors are somewhere between 2^47 and 2^48.
So, my post was just a big red herring!
Congratulations, You've now graduated to
the big time!
2^64 is approximately 18446744073709600000
Definitely Stuck!
No change as of 2003-12-28-1330 EST