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Thread: Zeta Finished

  1. #1
    Team Ninja russkris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

    Zeta Finished

    I just read the update post and I was wondering if anyone is still running Zeta. My client says "unable to find work"

    So I assume it has finished for good or I need to download a new client
    - - - - Rusty - - - -

    Team Ninja's DC-Vault Click Link Here

  2. #2
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Morrisville, NC
    Dear ZetaGrid Community member:

    This will be my last message to this community. Please accept my sincere
    thanks for your contribution to this community. During the last 4 years
    I have received numerous significant contributions and we have achieved a
    major milestone in the Computational Number Theory and the Riemann Hypothesis
    as a leading edge research community. All details will be published soon at
    the journal Mathematics of Computation:

    Now I will close this community with 6,617 members and shutdown the servers
    as well as the domain That was a very hard decision for me since
    originally I planned to ship the new release 2.0 with many enhancements and
    the computation of the Extended Riemann Hypothesis. But especially in this
    year the availability of the zetagrid services were very poor. That was really
    frustrating for many contributors and I received lots of feedback. But in
    nearly all cases my hands were tied since the availability depends on the
    hosting provider of They have done too many mistakes during many
    infrastructure migration activities. I got in lots of discussions and in
    trouble with them. Please accept my decision and that I cannot response to all
    questions and messages. But I always try to response as much as possible.

    Best wishes,

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States
    Blog Entries

    I just got the email too.

    Ill move the stats to the archive section.


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