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Thread: claimed credit == granted credit

  1. #1
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    claimed credit == granted credit

    Any body know why my claimed credit is 20% to 1000 % more then the granted credit It there a reason that there is so many pending granted credits in my WU log

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Ancient Haggis Hound Angus's Avatar
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    I was getting a lot of low credit WUs also, but on inspection, I was always the third result reporting.

    I shortened my queue size to 2 days and since then I've been the first or second in each time, with at least a chance of getting my claimed credit.

    I think we can convince the admin over there to go to average or mid score once the project goes to at least beta, and the quorum is increased to 3.

  4. #4
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Well that sucks I have 21 nodes running it now for a full 24 Hrs and only made 550 points Most nodes are 2400 with a few 1700 Amd

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Have they all communicated with the server ?? What is your cache setting at ?

    It might be that a lot of your nodes are sitting on quite a lot of results not sent in yet. Mine tend to do that quite a bit. The Dual core opterons seems to send in about 170 results every now and then..


  6. #6
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    I only store about 4 to 6 WU's the nodes are only running that Wu
    I Have completed over 275 WU's which netted 730 points that comes to 2.65 per wu There servers are only giving me 1/3 of what my node says it should have like this I should get this 2.26 but I only got this 0.31
    A point system like this will only make people feel they war wasting they time and money

  7. #7
    Administrator PCZ's Avatar
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    You have been spoiled by Rosetta

    What you are seeing is normal behaviour for a boinc project using the Quorum System.

    Look at you results and compare your benchmarks / claimed credit with others
    in the Quorum.

    You are using an 'enhanced' boinc client and claimed credit will be higher than someone using the standard client.

    When the results are compared for validity and credit granted it is the lowest claimed credit that is awarded.
    This can be changed by the admin to be the mean credit claim in a quorum of 3 or more.

    Also you have to wait for credit, you may have returned the result promptly but someone else in your Quorum may take a day or 2 to return the WU and you have to wait for them.
    You will see pending as the staus if this is the case.

    Also check to make sure your results have been granted credit because there is a problem with the third result in a Quorum not getting credit.
    Normally only 2 results are required.


    I viewed your computers/results and it appears that you have a problem with the timer on some of your hosts.
    Maybe it's something screwy with ME.
    Look at this result for an example of what i mean

  8. #8
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    There where a few nodes that I forgot to shut down DPad when I installed Leiden Classical so it shared the cycles but not the clock. I will let it play out for a few more days and see what turns up

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