Just too let eveyone one know Joe and I have been kicking around the idea of releasing a new dat. It's hard to call the current dat out of date since from a dat presepective nothing has really changed. In a way this was good since Joe and Chuck had been doing alot of work with the new sieve client and didn't really have time to make a new dat.

As most of you know know the client is working great

and allows us to strech our sieve ranges beyond 1250T with ease.

Personally I was hoping for another prime before releasing a new dat. Generally when a dat is released we try to make sure that all the ranges reported as complete are in fact complete.

So I'd ask at this point if everyone could submit all of there factor files, fact, factrange, factexcl etc to factrange@yahoo.com.

We will starting looking at those files after nextweekend and probably have a new dat ready first or second week of August.

Hopefully we can remove another k soon.