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Thread: Question on stats rounding

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Question on stats rounding

    Hey Bok, how's it going?

    I have a question on the rounding scheme you use for all your stats. Do you basically just draw the number the projects gives you or do you do some rounding in your stats?

    I'm asking because it's a bit odd to have my SIMAP stats say "30,133.764" points and my Spinhenge stats say "103.916", which looks like really big numbers, because my Rosetta stats say "150,185", wich really IS a big number.

    Would it be possible to, let's say, cut off all number behind the ".", so the stats would look like

    SIMAP: 30,133
    Spinhenge: 103
    Rosetta: 150,185

    (or maybe: 30,133.00 / 103.00 / 150,185.00)

    Now, I don't know if for projects like SoB the "behind the dot" digits are important or for any other projects.

    It's just an idea I head for clearing up the visual recognition of high and low numbes on the stats pages of yours.

    Thx for the hard work you put into these stats Bok, I know a lot of people use and appreciate them!



  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    That's exactly what I do. Simap and Spinhenge provide the data to 3 decimal places, so that's what I output. I hold the most accurate numbers I possibly can. I suppose it is more confusing for you as the '.' is used as the delimiter in Germany (I've had to code around that before at work..)

    It's only a config option though, simple to change if enough people wanted it... could even do it per user in statstool.. (something like - show at most X decimal places). I'll have a think about it and if anyone esle has any ideas, please feel free to post them here..

    Thanks for the input!


  3. #3
    Yes, for most Europeans the "." and "," are the other way around, so it's even more confusing at first.

    An option in the user stats control panel would be awesome!

    But I know that your stats are one heck of a load of work, so that really is a very minor thing to take a look at, if at all.

  4. #4

    Red face

    Not to press anybody or so, but any news on this one?

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I did do a bit of work on it, then got somewhat busy in real life. I just need to add the field to my table to allow it to be visible in statstool. Was waiting until I got a bit more time so that I could add in all the other projects that I've added in the last two months or so at the same time (which means immediately putting the code into the DCR etc otherwise it breaks).

    Maybe I'll get time tomorrow or friday actually.


  6. #6
    Wow, awesome man!

    Take your time Bok, real life just never respects virtual live, doesn't it?

  7. #7


    Hi Bok!

    I saw you made the addition of "Restrict Decimals" to the stats config. First of all, thanks for that!

    But how does it work? Should one enter a number in that field, like "2" and thus have two deciamals only? 'Cause no matter what number I enter, it doesn't seem to have any effect on either the signature picture or my personal stats page whatsoever. SIMAP and F@H still show their three/two decimals. I ask 'cause I read in the other thread that you're finished with the code additions.

    Thanks again for your work. I can only imagine how much work that is, as I don't know php at all.


    PS: The "Do not show percentage columns" doesn't have any effect for me as well. What is it supposed to do?

  8. #8
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    They are in statstool but I haven't enabled them in the scripts yet.. sorry, ran out of time yesterday, had to pick my kids up..

    but the hard part is done now... so it won't be long!!


  9. #9
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Good job!

  10. #10
    Hehe ... knock, knock ... it's me again. Any news, Bok?

    And one more question: I see on the stats site that the Free-DC server is paied through 08/2006. Now, is that still true or haven't you updated that number in a while?

  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I probably got funding through 09/2006, otherwise I pay myself as I did for the last 2 years really.

    as for the stats, well it's mostly working but there is a lot of places I need to update for the rounding so it takes time.. and my life is very busy. Next two weeks look a little calmer though..


  12. #12
    =>Team Joker<= LAURENU2's Avatar
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    Where the do you find time to do all this Bok :take care of your family , do your job to make money to pay for all this, and maintain and upgrade this site all the time . Do you ever have time to go to the Bathroom
    It has always amazed me how much you do for this Team and all the
    DC projects __ BOK__And I salute you

    Time for all the Stat addicts to look into your Pockets
    >>>>>>>>>>And help pay for all this<<<<<<<<<<<

  13. #13
    Couldn't agree more with Laurenu2!

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I think this is done now, but I'd like a few people to try it out and have a look around.

    What it does is replace the number of decimal places with the number put in on statstool (if that one is lower than the project default).

    Try it and see..

    Let me know if there are any places it hasn't taken affect as this means making sure some includes are in the correct order...


  15. #15
    So, when I enter "2" all projects should show like xxxxx.xx points.

    If I enter "0" all projects should show like xxxxxx points.

    Is that right?

    Where should these numbers be shown? On the personal sig? On the personal stats site? Or on all stats sites - if logged in.

  16. #16
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Not quite, it only affects it if the number you choose is less than the project default.

    For instance it would be silly to alter a project where there was no decimal places in the first place. So an another example, SoB is 3 decimal places so my score is currently 1.066P, if I set my setting to 2 it comes out as 1.07P.

    Should be everywhere, though it's possible some places are missing. I can already see that the users.php page isn't using it. I'll fix that now.

    ***Fixed users.php***


  17. #17
    Works good for me with numbers 3,2,1.

    But if I set the decimals to "0", it's like I left the space blank. Is it supposed to be that way? I hope not.

  18. #18
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Nope, I'll check it out. Should do no decimals. I hadn't tried 0 though.

  19. #19
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I was only going through the code if the value is set and of course php sees 0 as not set so it did not pass

    if ($restrict_decimals)
    { code...}


  20. #20
    Yes, it works! Awesome job Bok!!

    Many many thx for your work on this rounding issue.

  21. #21


    Hey Bok!

    First of all: Happy New Year!

    No for the bad part: Is the rounding/decimal restriction function broken? My personal stats page and my sig show all decimals again (F@H & SIMAP) and the setting in the stats tool config page doesn't change a thing.

    What gives?


  22. #22
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I wasn't aware of it, but I'll find out and fix it today...


    *EDIT* looks like I just broke it on the users.php and signature page when I altered them recently. The other pages are ok.. Fixing.

  23. #23
    Yes, it works again. Thx Bok!

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