So far, the project has discovered 9 of 17 primes. They were located at:


In the single month of December 2002, a total of five primes under, or near 1M were found. That was an amazing time for the project. Afterwards, the next four primes were discovered at a rate of about one per year. It was slow but regular.

In fact, looking at this list of discoveries, there is a great deal of regularity to it. Several primes were found at, or below ~1M, then 3M, 5, 7, and 9. The interval between primes seems to be growing at a rate of about 1.5. One would expect the next prime to be at ~15M or maybe 20M.

However, in the 18 months since the last prime discovery, the project has only advanced to 10-13M on PRP'ing. This is short of the 15-20M expected to discover the next prime, and before it's done, the next prime discovery will take almost twice as long as the last several discoveries.

Is anyone comfortable with this rate of progress? SoB seems to be grinding to a halt just when several major innovations (sieving, dual core procs, etc) were ready to propel us forward to a greater speed.