1) Download the client, make a directory called C:\dcprojects
2) cd \dcprojects
3) make a directory called EON
4) Extract the client you download into c:\dcprojects\EON
5) Edit c:\dcprojects\EON\Client.cfg with Notepad, not wordpad (thanks PCZ!)

Create and run this batch file first

@echo off
:: Filename: EonCreate8.bat
:: get on the right drive letter
:: Make necessary directory structures
for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do mkdir \dcprojects\EON%%i
:: Copy all the files from EON directory to all the new directories just created
for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do copy \dcprojects\EON \dcprojects\EON%%i /y
:: tell the user we done all that
echo Done!


Create and run this to start them up
@echo off
:: Filename: EonStart8.bat
:: get on the right drive letter
:: start 8 Eon clients, one per directory
for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do cd \dcprojects\eon%%i & start /min client.exe
:: tell the user we done that
echo Done!


Create and run this to kill off all the clients at once
@echo off
:: Filename: EonStop.bat
pskill client
:: If you don't have SysInternals pskill (and you should!)
:: or you might use this instead
TaskKill /IM client.exe

Adjust the amount of clients you want between the parans. (1 2 3 4) would setup and start 4 clients

Most of you can take it from there I'm sure...