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Thread: Couple of team scores are off for Ars Technica...

  1. #1

    Couple of team scores are off for Ars Technica...

    I was checking team stats on a couple of new projects last night and I noticed some tally discrepancies:

    1) In POEM, the total team score is hanging around 200 below what I think it should be. As of this post, it should be Fractal's 8629 plus my 4903 or 13,532. It's lower by 225 pts, or 13,207. It seems to stay pretty steady at that lag, too.

    2) In SHA-1 I show up as having 580 points for today, but the team total for today is 0. Also, Our grand total is 30,460. According to my math it should be 21,540. That really blows my mind!

    I would appreciate it if someone would look into this for us. Thanks guys for having such an awesome site for Stats Addicts like myself!

    (I hesitate to say "error" here because I don't want to offend. Bok, your work is greatly appreciated!)

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Looking into it.


  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Poem is correct according to the latest xml files.

    Remember with BOINC projects points earned by a user don't get transferred between teams. Is it possible one of you did some work prior to joining Ars? That's the only explanation..

    Other than that, you'd have to ask the admins at the project, but I can only display what the xml shows

    As for SHA-1, it's the same thing really. Looks like you just joined today with your 580 points, those points do NOT get added to the teamscore... only points you earn whilst on the team..

    so I display the points you have as a user according to the 'user' xml and the team points acorrding to the 'team' xml, it can look odd, but is accurate, perhaps I should try and detect that and put something onscreen in those cases..

  4. #4

    I admit I don't know anything about stats and all. But I appreciate your taking the time to look into things. Sounds like the "error" isn't on your end, but rather from the projects themselves. With that being the case, I'll let sleeping dogs lie.

    Thanks man!

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