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Thread: DCR feature request

  1. #1

    DCR feature request

    Oh Most Excellent Czar Of Stats, please hear my plea.

    How hard would it be to add a "DCR total" on the individual stats page, with a daily delta indicator for the total?

    Yes, I know that the total is only a click away, but I'm _really_ lazy.

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    erm, pretty simple.

    That's one of the last pages i have to rewrite yet, so am going to try and get to it this week. I'll give you a shout on IM and we'll see where we can put it..

    It's the one page I'm still unsure about how to present right now, so any ideas, float them this way


  3. #3
    Thanks! I'm always available to test-drive for you. I'm certainly not a designer, but I can break most anything. As far as presentation, I think a good first whack would just be a straight-forward translation to the new clean style you have. For the data that's there, I think what you already provide (with the addition of the total & daily delta) is pretty complete.

    On the main DCR page, some way to get to DCR overtakes would be sweet, but probably a lot of work.

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