When you're looking at one of Bok's truly magnificent stats pages, be sure to take in the line that looks like this:

Data Checked : 2007-12-17 05:26:37 CDT | Data Updated : 2007-12-17 00:37:21 | Current Time : 2007-12-17 19:57:47

Data Checked is the last time Bok's code went and checked the project's XML stats files.
Data Updated only changes when it sees that current XML <> old XML and decides to do an update.
Current time should be current US Central time zone.

If something about it doesn't look right, peek in Script Log under Links. It may have debugging info in it like:

Died at ./gather2.pl line 77.
Starting script at Mon Dec 17 18:24:06 2007
Using config file -> cos_configs.pl
Script is still running.. aborting

...which is the current log for Cosmo.