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Thread: Boinc Rieselsieve up in smoke?

  1. #1

    Boinc Rieselsieve up in smoke?

    Did somebody pull the plug out this project? Disappeared in the bit bucket?

    "souls ain't born, souls don't die"

  2. #2
    Dungeon Master alpha's Avatar
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    I don't know if this is related, but jasong's post earlier today says something about Rieselsieve servers being moved.

    edit, yup that seems right, bryan posted @ Ars.

  3. #3
    In the interest of consolidating discussion & moving our efforts forward, I have set up a small forum as a new 'command post' for the Riesel Sieve project, on one of our alternate domains, Since I don't have a copy of the database, anyone would have to re-register to post, but I plan to have this be the central communications point moving forward.

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  4. #4
    Old Timer jasong's Avatar
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    After 33 days of nothing, the Administrator is back, and says the servers should be up by about noon tomorrow. That would be about 6pm GMT, August 1st.

    I don't know if anyone but a small number of people will ever know the reason. It may have involved lawyers, but for all I know, they tackled him and stole his sieved k/n pairs. (Lawyers can be mean, lol)

  5. #5
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    Jason, we can read what Bryan wrote. Please keep your foolish comments and conjectures to yourself.

    Bryan, I can assure you, that *most* knowledgeable folks understand what you are going through and can only imagine what a nightmare this must be for you.

    Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist in any way.

  6. #6
    Unholy Undead Death's Avatar
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    Ho man, that's a good idea to have an home phone number of all team. Why you just don't call him? This is a example how internet changes our ways to communicate.

    Well, congrats to you! Let's CRUNCH! Hope you calm and happy now )))) (we all are).
    wbr, Me. Dead J. Dona \

  7. #7
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    This was posted elsewhere, but I'll repost here for info..

    from IRC

    2008:07:31:09:20:38 <@bryanUC> 1) you went offline to go 'downstairs'
    2008:07:31:09:20:50 <@bryanUC> 2) you've been offline completely for 33 days
    2008:07:31:09:21:10 <@bryanUC> 3) you can't say much other than sieve won't run anymore & there's 'people' to talk to
    2008:07:31:09:21:25 <@B2Riesel> people = lawyer
    2008:07:31:09:22:26 <@B2Riesel> good news is..I still have the's just empty atm
    2008:07:31:09:22:40 <@bryanUC> so B8 really meant it when he helped you move the rack
    2008:07:31:09:22:45 <@B2Riesel> yes
    2008:07:31:09:22:50 <@B2Riesel> I had the servers then too
    2008:07:31:09:25:57 <+jasong> Are we never going to find out about what the lawyers are for?
    2008:07:31:09:26:09 <@B2Riesel> jasong: yes you will
    2008:07:31:09:27:00 <+jasong> Are we suspected of attempting to break encryption?
    2008:07:31:09:27:07 <@B2Riesel> we aren't

  8. #8
    Honda Sportbike Rider .CBR600 Cappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    This was posted elsewhere, but I'll repost here for info..

    what i nightmare eh?????

    to be in the dark all this time and then find out

    that your servers were seized by the law,, gheeesh

    what i mess,,, hope you get everything back up and running

    bryan.... best of luck to ya and will still be here

    when you get things back under control m8

  9. #9
    Yeah, apparently the whole 'no communications' issue was a legal matter, not a laziness/bad project owner issue. While I'm sure the whole thing SOUNDS fishy, it's the hand of cards we've been dealt
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  10. #10
    Honda Sportbike Rider .CBR600 Cappy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan[RS] View Post
    Yeah, apparently the whole 'no communications' issue was a legal matter, not a laziness/bad project owner issue. While I'm sure the whole thing SOUNDS fishy, it's the hand of cards we've been dealt
    i hear ya bro ,, it will all work out

    worst part was i just turned 1 million in RS and BANG!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    you get things back up and running and ill go for 2 million

    like i said above BEST OF LUCK to ya m8 and PLEASE let us know over at when your back up and running. theres a few diehard

    RS crunchers like me that are waiting...

    ONE MORE THING ??? are you going to do anything with all the LOST CREDIT???

    i mean alot of us had to dump alot of work because it was just playing hell on our machines and our networks. hell i dumped over

    72,000 claimed credits not GRANTED

    just a question im sure ALOT of peeps will be asking you the same

    just something to think about

  11. #11
    Old Timer jasong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Jason, we can read what Bryan wrote. Please keep your foolish comments and conjectures to yourself.

    Bryan, I can assure you, that *most* knowledgeable folks understand what you are going through and can only imagine what a nightmare this must be for you.

    Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist in any way.
    You suffering from a hangover or something? I can't see how I've made more than a 1,000 posts on this forum, and this is the one you insult me over.

    I got my information from IRC, which was vague, to say the least. If you have a better source, fantastic.

    See if you can figure out the missing letters in what I'm going to call my official response to you:

    Edit: I apologize to anyone who managed to see my response before I decided to edit it. All I can say is that I would really like to know why so many people on and off-line seem to see me as a chump. I try to give my best to people, but people always either want to make fun of me, or claim I'm being inappropriate. Admittedly, my parents and friends also claim I'm inappropriate, but it seems that I'm the only one that doesn't seem to understand the unwritten rules of decorum that seem to be stamped in the minds of 99.9% of the population. I feel like if I killed myself, the only people that would miss me would be family members and a couple of people I know.

    I would gladly give up half my IQ points to fix whatever's wrong with me.
    Last edited by jasong; 08-01-2008 at 10:07 PM.

  12. #12
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasong View Post
    You suffering from a hangover or something? I can't see how I've made more than a 1,000 posts on this forum, and this is the one you insult me over.

    I got my information from IRC, which was vague, to say the least. If you have a better source, fantastic.

    See if you can figure out the missing letters in what I'm going to call my official response to you:

    Edit: I apologize to anyone who managed to see my response before I decided to edit it. All I can say is that I would really like to know why so many people on and off-line seem to see me as a chump. I try to give my best to people, but people always either want to make fun of me, or claim I'm being inappropriate. Admittedly, my parents and friends also claim I'm inappropriate, but it seems that I'm the only one that doesn't seem to understand the unwritten rules of decorum that seem to be stamped in the minds of 99.9% of the population. I feel like if I killed myself, the only people that would miss me would be family members and a couple of people I know.

    I would gladly give up half my IQ points to fix whatever's wrong with me.
    Jason, for reference, when you wrote that post you were referencing an IRC chat that very few people knew about, so take it from the perspective of someone who knew nothing about the chat,lawyers involvement and such and see how it reads..

    What you need to do is involve some context in your post so people know what you are talking about..

    Hope that helps


  14. #14
    Old Timer jasong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    I was suicidal yesterday, you ****ing jackass.

    I've never demanded apologies from anyone because I think it makes the demander look like a conceited jerk, but this is really over the line. I really hope Ironbits is an alcoholic or something, because otherwise this is the type of thing that calls for a sledgehammer to a windshield until the cops come. People always say stand up to a bully, but I say EVERYBODY should stand up to a bully, otherwise you're just encouraging the bully. I'm not suggesting a course of action for anyone, but even Hitler would deserve some sympathy if he were distraught.

  15. #15
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    do you actually think that people should post differently based on how YOU are feeling at the time??

    I'd honestly, really like to help you, though I think I'm totally not qualified for what you need...

    I've *never* banned any active poster from Free-DC in 5 years, I'm considering it now, I'm sure IB would tell me not too, knowing him well. Tell me why I should not?


  16. #16
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
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    The Administrator posted a message to let us know what he was able to tell us at the time, to keep us abreast of HIS project status.

    You posted next with no context to base anything on, which to me, made your post appear to be cynical and insensitive.

    I posted my response to you because that's not the first time it has happened and it appeared to be insensitive, based on what I read, so I thought perhaps it was time to give you some constructive criticism, and because I felt it was important to let Bryan know that we support him in his time of need for understanding and patience.

    Partly because of Bok's post, I have learned that you had participated in an IRC chat session, and was privy to more than you let on in your post.

    Before I had a chance to get back to my post to you, you posted directly at me to let me know how unhappy you were with my ill placed constructive criticism.

    So I laughed about it rather than taking it personal.

    Now I see you have edited your post and have become further upset and distraught.

    I refuse to allow this to get worse than it already is for a total misunderstanding.

    I still don't consider my post as an insult to you, or anyone else, so please don't take it that way and calm down.

    I don't feel comfortable discussing your personal problems, nor am I qualified to do so, especially in a public forum.

    I do wish you the best in all your endeavors and I hope you find lots of peace and happiness in your many journeys along the way.

    Phil, I don't think banning is warranted in this particular situation, he's just let himself get all worked up over nothing and I'm sure he'll calm down once he understands no one is out to get him.

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