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Thread: Team Pages

  1. #1
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Team Pages

    I've done some preliminary work on these...

    Here are some examples.. (for KAMCOBILL

    But in actuality everything is in there.

    I created a table and did an insert into (select distinct team from) to generate the initial data ( 130,000 distinct teams are in the DB.... )

    However please note that where the team name was different they don't show up right now.. An example of that is the Free-DC DPAD team which is actually

    The infrastructure is in place to hold the data of course, for the above example it's just another insert using the right data, but that's almost impossible to do manually myself..

    So, I need to write a version of statstool for the teams to allow people to request new ids for teams projects. I'll be doing that next..

    I added the milestones for the team (from boinc projects only for now) to the bottom of the page as well

    Perhaps I'll allow for team logos too.. ??


  2. #2
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    .... team logos if suitable can then be used as backgrounds (if user selects to) in their tag..
    Note: this may break the tag but hey we'll fix it...
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  3. #3
    OK Looking good. Great Work and Thanks
    X Grubbers Kick Ass

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  4. #4
    Yay Team Pages!

    Thanks Bok!

    One question though, is there any way to combine the following into a single "Team Haiku" page like we had before?

    Or, is there a way to formulate a URL that grabs both maybe?

  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yes, though only manually right now,

    All of the data I've pulled in so far is automatic, matching on the teamname.

    I've yet to write the frontend to allow you to amend/add team id's.

    So, say you want to have

    as your main real page, I'll provide a link from that page where you will be able to specify the teamid for your SoB team (for example) as 337 and then it will show up on this page.

    Let me add the two from the 2nd page manually and I'll show you what I mean. Ok, now look at

    And you'll see those two teams show up.

    Impossible for me to do them all automatically, so I have to provide a mechanism for people to add them themselves. However I can't just let people update you could destroy other teams data

    So, I'll add a page where you select the project, add the id, it will insert this into a holding table for review by an admin..

    But you see the end result

    By the way I also found the following teams in the database too..


    Yet to do the page though...just finishing up my first rewrite of the navigation around the pages..


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bok View Post
    Let me add the two from the 2nd page manually and I'll show you what I mean. Ok, now look at

    And you'll see those two teams show up.
    Yep! Nice

    By the way I also found the following teams in the database too..
    That was a mistake - we (I) created a team and then realized there was one already with a slightly different name, so we discontinued the one I created (renaming it to "Old") and made the other one the official.

    I assume your system is not setup to combine two teams into a single stat, and frankly, I think this would be pointless

    Thus, safe to ignore that one.

    Not sure where this one comes from - the website doesn't look familiar... probably just a coincidental name (thanks for looking though!)

    Anyhow, looking great, thanks for putting in the effort Bok.

    - Urias

  7. #7
    Hi Bok,

    I was wondering if there's a way to add projects to teams (like in old stats). I have 3 projects that aren't showing up in our team stats:

    Cels @ Home Test 2
    PSP DoubleCheck
    Ramsey @ home

    Or is it caused on my end somewhere?



  8. #8
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I just haven't had the time to finish the page which allows you to update this I'm afraid.. so much to do, so little time to do it

    I'll add them in for you.

    I only added Ramsey@Home an hour ago !!!


    *DONE* though you haven't got a Ramsey@Home team yet in the stats I added it in based on your teamid from the projects website. Next time they export the xml it will pick it up

  9. #9
    Old Timer jasong's Avatar
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    /me googles Ramsey@Home(edit coming in a few)

  10. #10
    Hi Bok,

    Will pPOT Tables have to be added manually too?



  11. #11
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Everything will have to be manually added..

    I just added the stats for pPot tables, not many teams yet..

  12. #12
    Hey OK.
    X Grubbers Kick Ass

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  13. #13
    Can you make it possible under the teampages, by clicking "project ranks" that it makes a list from first to last and the other way around?

  14. #14
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    yes, should be doable.


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