Is this some sort of tom-foolery, are the stats borked, or what?

Statsman shows you with 289 MILLION structures for the day and a total of 578,259,502 structures, putting you in first place for the project.

Dyy's stats show you at close to what you had before (283 million). Where did this other, identically named account come from? My initial guess is Esthalan.

The official stats show two KWSN Robegeor's in the top 10 list. However, they also still show Esthalan, so there goes that theory.

How did you convince the stats to 'clone' your account? I assume that the difference between the two accounts is that one was identical to the other at one point and time and since that point in time, only one of the accounts has been receiving credit for newly submitted results.

All of this is just speculation on my part though.

Did you guys find another loophole, or is this a problem that no-one was aware of?