Drive #9 (high priority!)
Hi all,
We've recently started Drive #9 over at NPLB, for the range of k=1005-2000, n=50K-350K. Because of the large number of k's in this drive, we have decided to search it by k rather than by n; thus, the first phase of Drive #9 will be for the n=50K-200K range.
Since these ranges are very fast, based on the numbers we're seeing, we believe we have a chance to finish the 50K-200K phase of this drive by the time sieving completes for the higher ranges (estimated to complete somewhere around the 16th or 20th of this month). However, we could use all the help we can get to attain that goal.
These small candidates have turned out to be a whole lot of fun to do since they process so quickly; I would like to encourage everyone here to come on over and check them out! Based on what we've seen, our servers can handle pretty much anything that we can throw at them, so no need to worry about overloading anything.
The LLRnet server we're using for this drive is at:
server = "nplb.ironbits.net"
port = 9000
A status page showing the server's progress can be seen at http://nplb.ironbits.net, where there are also links to take you to our stats pages, which have recently been upgraded and are now quite full-featured and snappy.
Target Butt
If you ever wanted to find primes, with very little effort, now's the time to do it.
The work units are very small and very fast.
Take a look here and join in the fun
Hourly stats for port 9000
You can climb really fast with this range!
Dungeon Master
He speaks the truth! I found two (albeit really small) primes yesterday and tested several thousand candidates all on a single core and in less than 24 hours. Looks like we could take the lead with a few more people involved.
Also there are stats updated daily here: http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=proj&proj=nplb
Free-DC's Prime Search
In three days I tested more than 68k candidates with more than 40 small primes in the pocket...lol
I'm going up up up in the stats.
Unholy Undead
Free-DC's Prime Search
llrnet client for windows (port 9000):
duo installation
quad installation
octo installation
Just extract, edit llr-clientconfig.txt for all folders and set your username as
username = "em99010pepe"
Then run llrnet.exe for each core.
Last edited by em99010pepe; 01-09-2009 at 03:43 PM.
Free-DC's Prime Search
ROLP just increased there output, Free-DC members pay attention to the stats in here.
Where did everyone go ?
Is it over already.
Unholy Undead
sorry, 3 days in and still no primes ((((
I got a sob comb sieve to finish (1 more day),
and 12121 reserved job (2 more weeks), but it can wait.
so in a 1 day I'm back.
Target Butt
It's never over, keep on hitting it. You are covering Gary's increase
1.3 million to go, and I hear there may be another fast one later on.
I moved most of mine back to the more important Prime 5000 on port 5000.
As you can see here, http://stats.ironbits.net/statsnew/ , I am by myself, throw a couple cores on port 5000 if you can.
I sent you an email a couple days ago...
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