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Thread: My Stats Aren't Working

  1. #1

    My Stats Aren't Working

    My stats page is here:

    Should be showing stats from SoB, SoB Sieve and Primegrid. I have set the correct usernames on this page:

    Doesn't seem to be showing up for some reason though...

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States
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    Well, you need to use the 'id's for each project as they sit in my database. So for instance for SoB, for me, my userpage is so you can see there that the id= has 4044.

    4044 is what I would enter in statstool. I try hard to maintain exactly the same id's as the individual projects themselves and SoB does use unique id's.

    The others are 'mostly' the same. Drill down to your user.php page and look for whatever is after the 'id=' and use that.

    Let me know if you have any more trouble.

    SOB Sieve is having problems right now, think they blocked my crawler..I have to look a it at some point soon.


  3. #3
    Aha! Thanks for explaining - it seems to be working better now

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