Hi guys. The public sieve is... well... public :


Most of the info you need to get started is there.

The community should start at p = 25 billion. I'm gonna finish the range below that myself.

I'd recommend 25 billion wide p ranges since the n range is so wide (n = 3 - 20 million).

i. e.

first person: 25 - 50 billion
next person: 50 - 75 billion
next person: 75 - 100 billion

Don't let what you experience during the k=4847 sieving decieve you... sieving 17 million n-wide takes a lot longer than 1 million.

That said, it won't be 17 times slower. Paul Jobling managed to make SoBSieve several times faster than NewPGen was. This implementation is even faster than the private 2.71 beta that a few of you have.

If 25 billion wide don't make sense, change it but don't do a low p range unless you're SURE you can do it. It is very important that we get to a decent sieve level before the server starts assigning n-values above n=3 million.

If you are using a slow computer or are new and unsure if you want to do sieving, please reserve a range above 1 trillion for now.

In the future, I hope to make something on the sieve page to reserve ranges without using this forum but for now please coordinate using this thread exclusively.

One last reminder: Make sure you're logged into the SB site if you want to have it remember that you submitted the results (for future stats purposes). The sieve submission is really simple. That site again is:


There will be an anouncement on the site about it tomorrow. Email me if you run into any problems.

Happy sieving folks. This should be interesting!
