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Thread: Stats aren't displaying on my MacBook

  1. #1

    Stats aren't displaying on my MacBook

    For about a week, when I go to "" with my appropriate cpid which works on Windows XP, it says "Loading stats data . . ." but the data tables do not appear. I am newly running LogMeIn but nothing else has changed. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Free-DC Semi-retire gopher_yarrowzoo's Avatar
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    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, TN
    RadDoc, what browser are you using? I've just tried it in Firefox, Chrome and Safari on my PC and laptop works fine, check your not blocking javascripting on as that will cause that error or is there any error showing in your browser at all?

    The thing your seeing sounds very much like a blocking issue to be honest..
    Semi-retired from Free-DC...
    I have some time to help.....
    I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
    Now to remember my old computer specs..

  3. #3
    Thanks gopher_yarrowzoo - it is browser specific. Chrome is the culprit - but it used to work OK. Both Safari and Firefox work fine, so I'll just switch - but I am curious why Chrome stopped working (but won't lose any sleep).

  4. #4
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States
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    Bit late on this one, but I use Chrome almost exclusively and it works just fine under Win7 at least ?

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