Originally posted by Jwb52z
I'll explain the 10 day rule again.
Thanks for reminding us again. I think most of the forumists know it by now though.

I was talking about abandoned tests that were reissued 10 days after they were abandoned. Some claim they can complete a test within 12 hours. I have a 3+ year old Athlon that can do them in 4 days. I therefore assume that most tests are done within 5 days. If they are abandoned it will have to be within a few days after they are issued the first time. My clients receive a lot of tests that seem to have been abandoned by somebody else. They are 10 + a few days old. (I look in my logs, but do not have an exact record of how old they are.) I always have at least one of these running, 25% (A few days ago I had 3 running, 75%). It is sad if these are from people quitting, it is not much better if we redo work because somebody gets half way and run into a problem that cause work to be lost.