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Thread: Funding

  1. #1
    Senior Member Frodo42's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Jutland, Denmark


    I was just wondering what happened with funding for this project?
    Louie talked about trying to make some fundraising some time ago.
    We have just seen what a big difference it does when people give away the resources needed to improve and maintain this project and I guess that would be a lot easier for them if they could get paid for their effort.

    Has anybody thought about sponsorships from firms and the like?
    Perhaps some company would use their excess cpu on this project and also pay some money to get positive publicity as sponsors when primes are found and such.

    I guess some of us in here are working in diffrent firms with computers and could send the suggestion on to publicity departments etc.
    If I had a big company (which I don't) that worked with something in the whereabouts of this project I would much rather spend money on such a sponsorship than other more or less suspect kinds of commercials and the like.

    Well just some thoughts haven't got anyone or anything up my sleeve right now.

  2. #2
    We haven't received any funding for this project.. the server itself was built out of parts in my house and from another source when the old server died.. and it's hosted on my connection at home.

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