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Thread: filesets (points) not being added to my "amount of work contributed"?

  1. #1
    Hairball Herder and chatbot
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Glen Allen, VA

    Unhappy filesets (points) not being added to my "amount of work contributed"?

    Well....that upload just BLEW CHUNKS! I just sneakernetted over for upload two clients from the same box. dfGUI reported one client having 115k points, the other 95k. After the upload, I got credit for roughly only 60k points.


    Anyone else have this problem? If this is a designed behavior, then why is it not on the board here or something? If this is some problem with my DF, why hasn't this happened before? I *think* I would have noticed it...

    Any help would be appreciated. These are windows clients, I haven't deleted any files associated with the clients dirs (even though I could have, according to the FAQ), the clients are running without net access, had run for about three straight days without my stopping them, and were still running when I stopped them for sneakernet and upload. Oh - they're also two clients on the same duallie box running in seperate directories.


  2. #2
    Had you uploaded any results from the current 250 generation set prior to this? IIRC, the dfGUI shows two point totals, a cumulative total for the current set, and the point value of the current generation. So you could show ~200k points of cumulative work done, but only uploaded 60k; if you had uploaded the balance earlier.

  3. #3
    Hairball Herder and chatbot
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Glen Allen, VA
    rshephard -

    Thanks. Yes, I know dfGUI shows two totals: client total points and points buffered. I was looking at points buffered. However, I think now I might have b0rked something in my ftp job. To be sure it doesn't happen again, I've modified my sneakernet procedure to prevent it from happening again.

    Looking back, I may have taken an incorrect "points buffered" figure and multiplied, thus arriving at a wholly inflated figures.

    Does around 10k/CPU on a dual 1Ghz P3 machine sound about right? The machine is 133 FSB and has 1GB RAM, IIRC.

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