We deal with three-dimensional space problem is very comfortable, necessary to deal with the four-dimensional problem will do. We can accept the world as easy as blowing off dust 3D entity and infinite space. With the fourth time after the situation was a little complicated. But when we started to study including more or less dimension of the world, the situation will become really complicated.
Although these wonderful world let a person have a headache, but they are really very important. For example, string theory as a theory of everything we are the most promising candidates, in time and space and fewer than 10 dimensions of no significance. For instance, solid some strange but useful properties, such as superconductivity, need to use one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or even zero dimension theory can explain. Well, please get ready, we will now from the most difficult part begins to explain the dimensions: what are the dimensions? Why is it so? What is its application? In this process, you don't get mad, don't wander.
What are the dimensions?
So the basic problem, you might think that we would have a simple answer, but not so. In fact, only to define the dimension is a very difficult problem.
On the dimension of the most intuitive, but also the most ancient description is: Dimension of a system have is the number of objects can be moved in the direction of independence. The upper and lower only as a dimension is because the upper and lower are two sides of a coin, go up from below. The left and right, front and back too, but no such relationship between upper and right, and etc.. So the ancient Greek geometer said: we live in a three-dimensional world.
Now everything is very simple, but soon things will start to out of control. We also need space and time to define our position in the universe. Early in the end of the eighteenth Century, the French Darren Bell and Lagrange found that used to describe the mathematical language used to describe the time and space are very similar. So, when mathematicians have come to that conclusion: time is the fourth dimension.
This will open the thought gate, see time as the fourth dimension, this new understanding far beyond its original definition, greatly expanded the concept of dimension. Since then, not only describes the spatial dimension coordinate physical, it was decided to describe any object state independent coordinate or number of variables as a generic term.
This was a clever, since then mathematicians can use geometric analysis this sharp weapon to handle almost anything they want to study. For example, now a economists may the whole economic activities as a huge multi-dimensional objects. Rise and fall in the price of steamed buns or soybean paste can be described as the exercise price coordinates in a multidimensional space, and we in the horizontal and the vertical direction movement completely similar, of course, this is only the two millions of dimensions to describe the state of the economy.
Six - two time
When physicists proposed involves more dimension theory of the universe, they usually just refers to the space is high dimensional, does not involve multidimensional time.
This is easy to understand: If time is multidimensional, then the objects will be satisfactory in high dimensional time coordinate along the loop movement, that is to say, any high dimensional time makes the object can free shuttle to the one-dimensional time where we are on the two points, this violates the speed of light, and we can time travel, and that of the universe and our present observation is not consistent.
However, by 1995, Losangeles University of Southern California Itzhak Bars through M theory skillfully constructed a high dimensional time theory, this theory allows the second time dimension, and does not violate the invariant speed of light and does not have time to travel, this model can solve some problems of the standard model of particle physics can not solve the. (Note: M theory is a generalization of string theory. The theoretical goal is to become a universal theory, a theory of physics can explain all interactions. It tries to put the four fundamental interactions -- electromagnetic force, gravity, strong force and weak force -- unity. It also attempts to combine the supergravity theory all the current five kinds of superstring theory and the 11 dimension. In order to fully understand it, Edward Witten feels the need to invent new mathematical tools. The theory of M "M" contains many meanings, such as magic (Magic), mysterious (Mystery), membrane (membrane) or matrix (matrix) and so on.)
But there is a trap: the high dimensional theory of time to set up, must also have an extra dimensions of space, so in the Bars structure model, the universe consists of 6 dimensions (4 + 2), the 4 dimensional universe this thing in the universe and we are familiar with the things are very much like, the only difference is that: in the 6 dimensional world, describing the material composition and interaction theory is the 6 dimension of the standard model, and when the high dimensional models onto a four-dimensional, will produce many different versions of the 4 dimension, and each of them describe a different universe.
The eight dimension - the surfer's paradise
The eight dimension is eight yuan can be found naturally in the space. The eight element is a very strange mathematical structure, as the University of California, Riverside, mathematician John Baze said: "it is that people will be crazy uncle locked in the attic."
Eight yuan is the number four number systems only can division (Note: the real numbers, complex numbers, 4 yuan, 8 yuan number one), to allow all the algebraic manipulations, but eight yuan number operation way of complex anomalies, any one not familiar to us in the traditional system,:
Why the introduction of eight elements in physics? This is because in some physics problems it is an extremely useful tool. The matrix is composed of eight elements can form a complex mathematical structure called E8 Li Qun, the mathematical structure is the core content of some string theory.
In 2007, E8 group has become a hot topic, physicist Garrett Lisi without the use of string theory to construct the unified theory unify gravity and other three kinds of interaction force, his theory is based on the E8 structure. Lisi I don't have a university position, he spent a considerable amount of time surfing in Hawaii. For his work on the report has angered some people, such as the Imperial University of London's Miachael Duff. He said: "the string theorists since the last century seventy's start on E8, we don't need surfer to tell us this is interesting." (Note: number sequence based Lisi himself well, but physics is poor, its theory fully accounts for the physically untenable, is just a calculation is correct mathematical practice.)
Duff I to eight yuan number value be rather agnostic, he pointed out that all theories proposed have not proved by experiment. He said: "anyone who still don't know whether the number of eight yuan and the real world of."
The ten dimension - string theory of the world
"Maybe physicists from the higher dimension to the ground-breaking idea is all possible universes exist"
The ten dimension, we finally set foot on the land of the myth of string theory. Despite all the string theory in the harsh words, string theory is still the most popular theory attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, but also "the most popular candidate theory of everything". The theory is that the constituent particles and transfer interaction of particles that are made of strings, corresponding to different vibration modes of strings in different particle. The string is 1 dimensional, it is vibration in 10 dimensions composed of 1 dimensional time of 9 dimensional space.
Why is the 10 dimension? In a word, because the theory in fewer dimensions were not. As the physicist Michael Green and John Schwarz in 1984 pointed out, in fewer dimensions, in the small to the Planck scale of 10^-35 meters, the mathematics of the abnormal cause spacetime to exist quantum fluctuations of violent, the quantum effects would destroy the symmetry theory, from which no self-consistent theory.
This does not mean that 10 is a magic number. An obsolete early form of actual chord theory with 26 dimensional. There are 10 dimensional string theory 5 complete self-consistent, they can explain our universe, there is not a single theory than other theory is more correct, these different theories can be unified into a more ambitious Theory -- 11 dimensional M theory, these 5 kinds of string theory is the theory of M in some special cases.
M theory thinks: the extra dimensions is very small and highly convoluted, so small scale it, even with the existing methods cannot be observed. These high dimensional crimp exists in the form of specific. The key is, they may form there are limitless, existing form to find our universe that in high dimensional space, is still a problem. Imperial College London Michael Duff said: "this will be a theoretical physicist into two." Those who believe that we will eventually solve the problem people are facing increasing support "cosmology" opposition. Because, since the M theory allow the existence of infinite variety of possible universes, and not a physical principle to explain exactly why we live in our universe, then, whether we should accept the anthropic principle, that we observed in the universe today, just because we happen to live in such a universe? Maybe, all of the possible existence of the universe, are actually exist, this is after the physicists to explore the high dimensional space, most have been shocking conclusion.