I am curious. It seems that Trigggls, Boks and MegaBoks are three of a kind, yet there is an inconsistency - perhaps two with them.
Trigggls are obviously achieved for getting between 10000 and 10100 cobblestones in a project, Boks for 100,000 and 101,000 and MegaBoks for between 1,000,000 and 1,000,100.
It seems to me that they ought to either all have the same actual margin, or all have the same margin percentage. As it stands Boks are way, way easier to get than TeraBoks.
I think the margin should all be either 100 or 1000 for all three MegaMilestopnes, or the margin for TeraBoks should be 10,000 i.e. the same as for the others.
Frankly I am not bothered which way it went, but it seems wrong as it is. Sorry I am being picky here, maybe I'll go and checked out for OCD
I notice looking round the forum that x3mEn raised this same point last year sometime but didn't get an answer - so at least I know I am not alone here!