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Thread: Skynet POGS test - In production

  1. #1
    Senior Member Dirk Broer's Avatar
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    Skynet POGS test - In production

    Suddenly new in the stats: Skynet POGS test

  2. #2
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    ugh, they've put their regular export into the pogstest directory. I'll have to restore these to last night and then switch them off.

  3. #3
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    restored. The countries will update soon and combined user/team too. Will show negatives for a while, which can't be helped.

  4. #4
    Hey Guys,

    I'd like to try and clear a few things up. First up pogstest is only a test server, if it can be removed from free-dc that would be great as it does not represent a real project.
    Additionally is it possible to the name for project changed from 'skynet pogs' to 'theSkyNet POGS' this will help improve consistency between sites.


  5. #5
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    Maybe one of my other admins changed it today, it's already 'theSkyNet POGS' - unless I'm missing something?

    Is there a compelling reason why the test stats should NOT be included? They exported their own stats for a while, so I added it in as it's credits the users have gained - All 24 of us anyway. I've switched off the stats for it, so it won't attempt to update, but I'm leaving the last known stats in there for now unless there is a good argument to take it out. It affects other things like the project MM's that some users chase (how many projects you have ever gained credit for, most 1k's in projects etc etc)

  6. #6
    Hey Bok,

    Thanks for getting back so quick.

    The main reason for not including them, we use pogstest for all sorts of testing and do not think of it has a real project. There is no guarantee of that it will work correctly or even recorded credit, additionally we may regularly reset and reseed the database, like we did last week. I believe that it is about to be turned off for good as well. If it helps your users to keep the existing stats there that is fine with us.

    The important point is that it is a very volatile test setup, which offers no guarantee of consistency.


  7. #7
    BOINC Gypsy ChertseyAl's Avatar
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    Best freeze the stats then Bok.

    There'll be a riot if you remove the project from here

    I do wish admins would keep test projects on their own LANs rather than let them loose on the internet if they don't want the help of a loyal bunch of volunteers assisting them with testing.

    And before the usual windbags leap in with their usual "you should ask permission before publishing stats" I'll just point out as I have no way of recouping my costs the least I expect is for stats to be exported and free to use. It's a community thing FFS.



  8. #8
    Registered User
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    My Skynet Pog user name: leonashbrook, ID No. 7579


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