something about the project bothers me. This is something that any computer and many electric engineers should be really interested in doing, yet we dont have that much activity. Maybe it's because the project is young but i'm not even sure of how young it is. I like the idea of self testing circuit evolution and all, i dont think many student engineeers appreciate it since it's hardly looked at until upper classes. Ok this has been said over and over before i'm sure so what's new about this post? Well besides recommending that there be a reference image of the conventionally accepted best (that is allowed to be posted) so we can side by side compare against the evolved circuits and of course the more "readable" diagrams of the evolved circuits not much is different from what's been said before. I would be fine if the boxes just had the word of the gate, like Xor or NAND or something. Then i can follow the diagram easy. Just whatever makes it more apparent that this project produces real tangible results in the short and long term, I think, will bring in more people to contribute. I tried getting slashdot to post something on it and but nothing ... maybe others can have some luck on other hardware sites to keep the project in public view. It's nice and all to be one of the top teams, but my two computer team (i'm pretty sure my two are the only ones that are always active) shouldn't be among teams with supposedly dozens of members. And my computers aren't even all that fast yet they are the second and third fastest. It should be getting dwarfed by people with quad athlon 64's that they built just to run the project. Steal some people from those stupid encryption cracking projects, what good really comes of that? So you prove that if you put a million computers at an encryption algorithm that you can crack it faster than a single computer would? duh. Ok, i'm ranting. But seriously, The naming of the boxes thing cant be all that complicated but i'm a c/c++ programmer, not much java experience and the conventional best picture/diagram to compare to is a really useful thing to look into.