1billion dollars!!!! Wait... you do get your 20million milestone at least! http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?p...029048beb69fb3
Hurrah! After many years of crunching pointless projects, burning out numerous power supplies, CPU fans and motherboards, spening $1000s on electricity, I've arrived at 20 million BOINC credits and have a whole array of badges!
What did I win?
1billion dollars!!!! Wait... you do get your 20million milestone at least! http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?p...029048beb69fb3
I lost some in a crash back then![]()
Well done govenar and surely pointless project shouldn't be crunched as well they give no credits... or you mean those "I don't see the point of this" ones.. hmm $1000s on the leccy, need to invest in some more cooling me thinks unless it was just old age or bad caps.
Semi-retired from Free-DC...
I have some time to help.....
I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
Now to remember my old computer specs..
Aim set on 2.5million combined, I know a drop in the ocean for some :P
Spinning Poem on my little laptop![]()
Semi-retired from Free-DC...
I have some time to help.....
I need a new laptop,but who needs a laptop when you have a phone...
Now to remember my old computer specs..