From the readme.txt file
How to use the Lifemapper command-line client (v. 1.0.00)

1. Create an account on Lifemapper website at
   The registration form can be accessed through the menu 
   "Individual Members->Register".
2. Unpack the installation package in a newly created (empty) directory.
   To install the client files, extract them from the .zip file using
   the compression utility of your choice (WinZip, EasyZip, etc).
   On Linux, uncompress the .tar.gz file using the following command:

      tar xvfz <installation-file>

   Replace <installation-file> by the name of the installation archieve
   that you downloaded.

3. Run the executable.

   usage (windows): lifemapper_cmd.exe
   usage (linux):   ./lifemapper


  -q: quiet mode
  -h: displays usage message
  -e <email>: log in to server using <email>
  -c <jobs>: always try to keep <jobs> cached locally
  -x <proxy>: use specified proxy server
              proxy format: http://[user[:password]@]http_proxy_address[:port]/
  -p <priority>: set process priority

	* Valid priorities under Windows systems:
	    32:  Normal priority
	    64:  Low (idle) priority
	    128: High priority
	    256: Real time priority (not recommended)

	* Valid values for priority switch under Linux/Unix are in the interval
	    -20 to 20, where -20 is the highest priority and 20 is the lowest.
   	    Only root has rights to set priority with negative values.