Do you mean like the graphic on your userbycpid page?
I'm only in this with a laptop right now, so I would appreciate a link that defines all the badges I have. Any help?
Do you mean like the graphic on your userbycpid page?
These ones? ....
Nice set of badges by the way
Yes, like those. Is there a webpage somewhere that explains them?
These projects have badges. Visit their pages for the explanations because they aren't all the same.
Bitcoin Utopia
Citizen Science Grid
Collatz Conjecture
theSkyNet POGS - the PS1 Optical Galaxy Survey
World Community Grid
The following site provides some info about most of the available badges from those projects that offer them. You can also make your own custom badge signature, as well.
I signed up to Free-DC just to figure out where this mysterious 'MM' badge came from.
I still haven't figured it out but suspect it's from me checking the box on "If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other applications?" for some project.
I went through the badges at Signature for BOINC users but none show the MM badge.
My working hypothesis was it's from MindModeling@Home (beta) but I don't see a badge forum discussion or explanation on the website.
Maybe it's from Moo! but they don't mention anything but the user 1%/5%/25% badges.
This user has only worked on 4 projectsand the gold badge is Collatz, the cow is YoYo and so the MM is either Docking or Moo!
MM for "Moo Moo"?
EDIT: If I'd read this Milestones sub forum a few more minutes before posting this the MM would have been made clear.
Last edited by Marmot; 04-22-2015 at 03:07 AM.
It's from here at Free-DC and is an indication of how many 'Mega-Milestones' you have. If you look at your userbycpid page on the stats here you will see them listed.