Download page:

Windows Client:

Setup the client:

1º - Extract the files into a folder
2º - Create a user.txt file with notepad and add the following line:


3º - Open config.txt and setup the client options.

Resolution (XxY or 'auto'): auto
Priority for background running ([N]ormal, [L]ow, [b]ackground): B
Threads (number or 'auto'): auto
Auto-send results ([Y]es, [N]o): N
Auto-save interval (seconds; 0 for no save): 240
Rechecks for best-so-far results (min. 5): 5
Use passive (PASV) mode for FTP transfers: N
Download sample results file after a number of days (0=don't): 3
Sample file URL:{lattice}_100.txt
FTP command call: ftp -s:script.ftp
Update lattice files from web every N hours (0=don't): 12
Use old FTP calling method (as pre-v4.34; can hang, but more compatible with ZoneAlarm): N
TrialType ratios: Mutate=3;Crossover=3;Interpolate=3;Extrapolate=3;MuSpherical=3;MuOne=3;Extreme=1;LocalGrad=3;TopoSmo oth=2;
Particles per extra thread (limits threading overhead): 100

4º - Run the client using muon1_cmdline.bat or muon1_background.exe. First one will run it under a DOS box and the last one hidden, check taskmanager.

5º - If you have auto-send results off you have to send them manually using manualsend.bat. Don't need to kill muon1_background.exe. The results are recorded in a file called results.txt.

6º - If you get trouble sending the results do not delete those 20060101-442562-fgtht-yournickname[].txt files. Rename them to results.txt. The server might be down.

7º - Stats pages:

8º - Have fun!
