I've been following the "What kind of Ars..." thread since it started and I think that the single most important thing that's emerged is that the idea of developing a distinct identity for each project team has been a drawback. It's not Ars vs the world, it's TLC vs TVM vs TCC vs TSF. Even their subteams have subteams, and it all leads to territorial aggression. Ars has managed to create new paradigm: a feudal kingdom in the digital era, with a bunch of small states who owe allegiance to their lord and master (who, ironically, happens be called "Caesar") but fight amongst themselves for political power. It's a stable system, in an extremely chaotic sense. These blowups appear with regularity and then go away.

Ars is a huge group of people, and so there will always be some who want to decide how things work, and there will always be those who oppose them. The issue of which projects to emphasize will get worse instead of better. I doubt the vitriol being flung around over there will do much to help them. They won't fall apart completely, but a lot of them are going to be mad at the rest for a while. In the end, they won't keep all their #1 spots because they (like us) are spread too thin for complete domination.