It's a sad day for Free-DC today. One of our 'founders' and all around good guy, IronBits (also known as TargetButt ), is taking some time away from distributed computing. He's had some health problems in the past and his doctor has given him instructions to get away from his nearly all-consuming 'hobby' for the time being:

I don't know how to say this, as it is hard for me...
My health has gone down hill, and my doctors tell me I must get away from computers.
My hobby for the past 20 years has been my passion and something I have felt very strongly about.
Now it's time for me to pass the torch and let others carry on.

Obviously, we're sad to see him go, but we want what's best for him and right now that means less worries. You can read a bit more about this in IB's own words right here.

Buddy, we'll miss you!