The name of the project is Seventeen or Bust. The reason was simple. There was 17 remaining k's to find a prime for to prove they weren't Sierpinski numbers. Fast forward to today.

Over at the Riesel Sieve project I've been playing with data for a while now. When Louie found that every candidate for SoB would end in 7, I found that every candidate remaining in our sieve ended in 3. Now to carry it further. Will every prime found result in the same result from (k*2^n-1) mod 30? The answer is yes. The answer will always be 13. Now that only applies to the 99 k's we are doing. It doesn't apply for any old number you throw in for k. Sure there are only three possible results: 3, 13, and 23. Now what about SoB numbers. After running the program, that was done for me by my friend Rayman, through the Sob.dat I found that out of the three optional results: 7, 17, & 27, all the remaining candidates for (k*2^n+1) mod 30 in the Sob.dat equaled 17.

Not that this exercise helps anything at all, but it is ironic that all the primes found and all the remaining k/n pairs in the db for Sob mod 30 all equal 17.